Max No. of Drivers in Driver Set Up ?


New member
Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of drivers or vehicles that can be entered into Driver Set Up in Surveyor 2.0 that might prevent new vehicles being added?
It was just something that I tried to see what would happen. My main track is like 250+ miles long. I put 7 to 10 identical trains on each track. Then, I started one on each track and set speed to 50%. A little later I would start another, again at 50%. That way, they never caught up to each other. Also, there were MANY other 3-8 tracks operating, again with numerous identical trains on each track. It was kinda neat watching them all going at once.
I currently have 36, some duplicated, in Driver Setup however multiple drivers emanating from 6 active Portals at varying times of the day plus 3 inactive Portals.
My session(s) run all day, 24hrs when necessary, not much during the night as these are generally not added to the portals.
There are 67 Trains with 203 vehicles.