Marsh grass


New member
Can any of you point me to some good tall marsh or swamp grass? It doesn't necessarily have to be a type of grass that one would find in a swamp, just one that at is -- at the very least -- tall.
I would second this , something that would be 6' to 8' feet tall is what I've been looking for .


Not asking to be made. just what's available . Or what a suggested match would be .:)

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Look on the DLS under JVC Grass. In particular, there are some Tall or High grasses, but even some that don't have those keywords in the name may suit you.
He's spot on about the grass.

RMM also made some nice cat tails and JVC has some nice grass that looks like cat tails so I you are looking for reeds, avoid the assets Reeds 1, Reeds 2, and Reeds 3.

They are really high-polygon and will melt your PC if you use them in the quantities needed to represent the edges of a swamp. This was a problem with them even when they came out nearly 15 years ago.

Thanks for the advice . Had been using the reeds on my work , but wasn't quite what I was looking for . Your other suggestion have been great . Thanks again
