MAR'S 2113


Oct 01 Ver 1.1 owner
Now Homeviewers you probibly wont like this you dont like ships ..air travel...ect....but I'm going to you show you some test screens ............................ while playing with NASA and rediscovering the Space race ............and thinking about domed citys on outer planets
I came up with this?.............................MAR'S 2113
14 scenery items (sll DLS bar the 2 I made)
all texteures DLS
Bad Sky (made myself)..................Realy like a good sky with maybe astoriods ?(HELP PLEASE)
For many Yarns the fleet searched for the fabled Earth ? Now entering the system of Sol.....The fleet dropped out of Hyperspace in orbit around the fouth planet in the system....................


Shuttle ALPHA you have clearence to depart Galacticia on route to planet surface

Shuttla Alpha "This is Captain Appolo in command of Blue Squadren Transmit the clearence Code for entry to UAC Mars Prime ...."

Bad polys and textures plus no maintainance for Yarns have taken it's toll on the beta's
dalek's and cylons have beaten us Here on the lookout .........
Commense final approach to UAC Mars Prime

Beware THE Cylon..............................

The Domes are 1,114 POLYS ON THE dls soon​
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:mop: :mop:

Looking great Now i just got to get all your missing content :D

Kepp up the great work.
Awesome cool.....reminds me of "Silent Running". I could see Huey, Dewey, and Louie maintaining those domes......
Apparently A New Direction.....


Apparently you are off in a new direction. Mars 2113?!? :eek:

What about NASA project? Or is that in the past? Or is Mars 2113 in the future?:hehe:
It took me a centon to really grasp what I was looking at because I was expecting to see some railroad content. Speaking as one who grew up in the late 70's and had alot of these toys I can really appreciate this. Good job.
Dont worry I'm still on the NASA project it is a huge job and will take some time .........this was a afternoons FREESTYLE GMAX LOL....someone was asking for domes and Ben did a few and sent to the DLS so I thought I would fix up a couple of old Domes I had lying around and get them to the DLS.....................Interesting what you can do with Trainz....the 3 Vipers are one train with 3 smoke points...LOL.. instant Squadrans about 9k polys for the 3 of em I think.............................
As for a Mars railway?.........If I decide to do one it will travel in a glass tube.
Martian Railroads

Well I thought not many would be interested except for the few with forsight?........So I will give you the Homeviever something more to think about?..................Martian Railways?
This might spark some interest LOL!.....Probibly not :o
Just imagine on the Alien world of Mars (or any other) Travel between the great domes was a railway in a tube!....Pressurized trainz to continue their jouney across the baren surface reaching out lying settelments.
Solar and Steam are the keys free energy from the sun and releasing water vapour into the atmosphere thus helping to terrafarm the planet.
Once Admiral Dreddman had set up basecamp at the old UAC Bio-Dome He ordered the reconstruction of the UAC Railways that criss-crossed the baren world.

Vipers now adapted to planetry conditions continued to patrol the skys as the Cylon threat is ever present.
Commander Conan brought the Galacticia down to a dangerously low orbit around the planet releasing the ancient seals the Galacticia was flooded with fresh air ........and useing her power to help Terrafarm the planet.

Once the Railways were brought online access to other instilations were possible ...............................

:mop: :mop:

dreddman what can i say realy they are looking great carnt wait for the release of them.

Im a big SciFi fan :D

keep up the good work
The future of the martian railways were in peril!...........
"Admiral Dreddman ..................Galacticia's long range sensors have picked up 5 Imperial Star Destroyers dropping out of Hyperspace in a high orbit ......................."! "CRUD...Vader!" dredd murmered to himself .. "IMPERIAL SHUTTLE TIBERIOUS has just launched from the lead ship!".. Conan yelled out...........................!!!!

Advanced guard of StormTroopers had already arived at the UAC Biodome (Mars prime)

Dredd barked his next order!!..."I want everything the Galacticia has in the air NOW!...We need a show of strength with Imperial forces on our doorstep....."
"Incomming Transmission from shuttle Tiberious ....Vader wants to Talk?"
Dredds hand gripped the handle of his Lawgiver ..."CRUD!" "Set his course through the planetary shields and through the Nano dome wall landing pad 4!"
"Where's International Rescue when you need them" Rococop cursed as he dropped the Planetary sheilds.
"GET THOSE VIPERS IN THE AIR!!!!" Dredd barked!

ETA 20 Microns​
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As it turns out, the Stormtroopers were just there to perform a "Rockettes" version of "A Chorus Line", for holiday entertainment.:o
hey you think it might be to much of an issue to make the milllenium falcon from star wars? drivable or scenery