Now Homeviewers you probibly wont like this you dont like ships ..air travel...ect....but I'm going to you show you some test screens ............................ while playing with NASA and rediscovering the Space race ............and thinking about domed citys on outer planets
I came up with this?.............................MAR'S 2113
14 scenery items (sll DLS bar the 2 I made)
all texteures DLS
Bad Sky (made myself)..................Realy like a good sky with maybe astoriods ?(HELP PLEASE)
For many Yarns the fleet searched for the fabled Earth ? Now entering the system of Sol.....The fleet dropped out of Hyperspace in orbit around the fouth planet in the system....................
Shuttle ALPHA you have clearence to depart Galacticia on route to planet surface
Shuttla Alpha "This is Captain Appolo in command of Blue Squadren Transmit the clearence Code for entry to UAC Mars Prime ...."
Bad polys and textures plus no maintainance for Yarns have taken it's toll on the beta's
dalek's and cylons have beaten us Here on the lookout .........
Commense final approach to UAC Mars Prime
Beware THE Cylon..............................
The Domes are 1,114 POLYS ON THE dls soon
I came up with this?.............................MAR'S 2113
14 scenery items (sll DLS bar the 2 I made)
all texteures DLS
Bad Sky (made myself)..................Realy like a good sky with maybe astoriods ?(HELP PLEASE)
For many Yarns the fleet searched for the fabled Earth ? Now entering the system of Sol.....The fleet dropped out of Hyperspace in orbit around the fouth planet in the system....................

Shuttle ALPHA you have clearence to depart Galacticia on route to planet surface

Shuttla Alpha "This is Captain Appolo in command of Blue Squadren Transmit the clearence Code for entry to UAC Mars Prime ...."

Bad polys and textures plus no maintainance for Yarns have taken it's toll on the beta's
dalek's and cylons have beaten us Here on the lookout .........
Commense final approach to UAC Mars Prime

Beware THE Cylon..............................

The Domes are 1,114 POLYS ON THE dls soon
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