Don't know if this is the appropriate place to start this thread, but would like to make a couple of short videos of my prototype route. For example, what is being used to make the Trainz videos that I see on YouTube?
Thanks Adam and Robby for you quick response. I downloaded FRAPS and it looks like what I have been trying to find for some time. Since I do not have a video camara, that option is not available to me, but thanks for that suggestion.
My best to all,
Just to tell you that FRAP's takes 30 second long film strips. If you want to go longer you have to buy the full version. But most use the Free Version.
Mick, what you say about screen rolling if you take video clips with a camcorder is true if you have one of the "older" monitor screens. However, modern LCD screens allow roll-free videoing. Believe me, you can get some great clips from an LCD screen using the different virtual 'cameras' built into 2006. Cheers.
Mick, what you say about screen rolling if you take video clips with a camcorder is true if you have one of the "older" monitor screens. However, modern LCD screens allow roll-free videoing......Cheers.