Magicland''s Passenger sets


Active member
Does anyone know if Magicland's 20th Century Limited, Broadway Limited, City of New Orleans, and other passenger payware sets are still able to be purchased in any form?
They haven't been available for a LONG time. As far as I know Magic left the Trainz scene years ago.
There is 20th century limited cars on the DLS they aren't the most detailed models ever but I like em. There is an observation car, a coach, and a baggage car.
I has payware of City of New Orleans 2004. It's not able to TRS 12 and Tane. It has many errors and faulys. I don't know how fixing this... And so I tried to reach him. I haven't heard him since.
I has payware of City of New Orleans 2004. It's not able to TRS 12 and Tane. It has many errors and faulys. I don't know how fixing this... And so I tried to reach him. I haven't heard him since.

Since the chances of him responding to your calls is remote, post the errors here. Most of them have been pretty easy to fix using the normal set of Trainz asset repair tools.

You can ignore warnings - those errors in yellow, or have a yellow symbol. All you need to repair are errors, which show up in red.
