Magicland's Amtrak locos


New member
The Amtrak locos by Magicland are missing some dependencies that cannot be found on the DLS. I would realy love to know where to get the dependencies for the Amtrak locos. (I think they are called P42 A's or something). Could someone please tell me how I can get these working? I have downloaded them from the DLS as well as a another website (I think it was US trainz or something?) and neither ways work.

Please help.

Please?!! :'(
List of Honda engines
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Please go to and download the pack there. then before you install it; Open CMP and delete the ones you downloaded from the DLS. then you can install the ones from protrainz. CMP will still claim that they are missing dependancies; but the ones missing do not effect the running of the p42s.
