Looking session for WM & B & O Mega Route Native Mode

I have "walked" the forum, reading trying to understand everything here ...
I downloaded is broken in the indicated site, but no session there. I thought someone here could know where to find.
Yea, I know for a fact lots of people have used that route for their own personal sessions (Locomotive testing as much as anything else), but nobody to date, to my knowledge, has created public sessions for the DLS for that route. I do not recall off the top of my head what the Route Creator said about it if he said anything at all about it (This would be a deal breaker if he won't allow Sessions posted to the DLS).

Thanks to everyone who participated with your opinion here ...
I searched on DLS and other forums, I found nothing. I think that if any session it was produced for personal use. My hope is that someone who has produced one can send me privately. Thank you in advance for this generosity