Looking for specific PaintShed made engines.


New member
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for it but I'm looking for someone to make a GP50 in the same paint scheme as the train from GTA V.
I'm not really good with that stuff sadly.

Paint Shed is now obsolete. The original program was developed for use with earlier versions of Trainz and used specific templates. The models that were reskinned with it were okay, but never great due to the limitations of the templates and the original built-in content which they were based upon. Add to that the difficulty in creating additional templates for other models only made it a dead-end product which died when I believe TRS2006 came out, but I maybe mistaken on that detail. This isn't saying that none were created though but they are far and few between.

Reskinning is a matter of editing the image files supplied with the models using programs such as Gimp, Paint.net, Photoshop, or even PaintShop Pro. The process takes time and some practice, but it can be done. If I can do it, you surely can do it too.

I'm horrable at reskinning how ever I make new meshs for some pain shad skins but you'll have to rework them abit if your intrsted.