Looking for Gilpin Tram Dump Cars for TANE


RR Mod Maker
I am trying to find the distinctive NG Gilpin Tram Dump cars Slugmaster made some but they dont show up in TANE as the textures are not TGA actual textures.

Does anyone know if someone has made modern versions? thanks in advance

any other Gilpin rolling stock would be great as well.

Do you mean these

<kuid2:86661:721:127> 24 Gilpin Orecar Type 3 TRS
<kuid2:86661:723:1> 24 Gilpin Orecar Type 3 TRS
<kuid2:86661:724:1> 24 Gilpin Coal Hopper

Two are on the DLS and I can't remember where I got the third, probably SlugSmasher's site.

They look OK to me and I don't remember working on them. (of course I'm elderly and don't remember much)
Oh I think you are talking about these

<kuid2:86661:720:127> 36 Coal Hopper Side Dump TRS
<kuid2:86661:723:1> 36 Ore Hopper Side Dump TRS

As you can see they aren't Gilpin since they are 36" gauge. They were modeled on the Mann's Creek cars by NarrowGauge and modified by SlugSmasher.

If you are paying attention you will note that one of the side dump cars and one of the Gilpin cars share the same kuid. I don't know how that happened. One of the disadvantages of not having things only on the DLS. If you download the 36 Ore Hopper Side Dump TRS from Slugsmasher's site it will over write the Gilpin orecar and the reverse. I suggest cloning the 36 ore hopper then redownloading the Gilpin ore car.

Edit: I added NarrowGauge's cars

They are not interactive, that is one of the things SlugSmasher added.
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Hi Norm thanks a lot. well yes those in the first post are what i need, the low sided ones not the high side.

and when i try to load them in TANE i get an error saying not compressed texture format and the textures are some weird format just called "textures" and not tga at all.

i also need a good Shay for NG that has a authentic stack top ...as in these photos:





<kuid2:96914:199:1> Gilpin 2 Russell - by BDANeal
<kuid:445923:100193> Gilpin 2 Russell TS12 - by Mcummins

On the DLS

"I try to load them in TANE i get an error saying not compressed texture format and the textures are some weird format just called "textures" and not tga at all."

Easily fixed if you have AssetX.

But first if you have <kuid2:86661:723:1> 24 Gilpin Orecar Type 3 TRS and <kuid2:86661:724:1> 24 Gilpin Coal Hopper I suggest that you delete them and re-download them from the DLS. The one I just downloaded seems to have the correct texture.txts and TGAs.

If that doesn't fix them then open them for editing and run AssetX. In the menu bar choose Repair and in the drop down choose Repair Textures. If it asks you if you want to delete unused textures say NO. Close AssetX, Submit Edits. Easy.
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So far as I know there are only four 24" gauge Shays, the Russel above.

The woodburning <kuid:96914:200> 2ftshay - by bdaneal and the lovely <kuid:191774:223498> 24ng TCLCo. - by zapperjet

The other coal burner is <kuid2:56561:1:2> BabyShay - by gieljam on the DLS

It is a two cylinder like the one in your last photo. (I'm not really sure she's 24" gauge although the flanges fit within the rails)
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There is a utility available to fix the .texture files here:


Put a shortcut to the utility on your desktop. Then just right click drag the .texture file to the shortcut and it will create a TGA and the required texture.txt in the same folder where the .texture is located. Very handy.

Paul :)
Paul, Images2TGA is required to be installed for AssetX to fix the .texture files. Unfortunately in TANE it's not as easy as in past versions to use.

Those familiar with AssetX find it easier to fix things like this using it.

I'd suggest getting the whole suite of PEV's programs and AssetX. You'll find them very useful if you decide to fix up old content.

Bob Pearson