Looking for A Little Help


I have downloaded all the switches, junctions and tracks from a French creator named "Thibaud".
I have many of them in place but cannot figure out how to get the switch machine in place
and properly work. I've tried many ideas but, none have worked. Can anyone offer some valid
advice and how to make them work ??
Thanks in advance.

The Colonel :cool:
I would have to know what switch name/kuid you are referring to, are these 3.6m ?

Some prefab switchs function by clicking on the points with the mouse, or by pressing J or AltJ

Some switchs require wiring them up :confused:
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You have to see the trackage first to see what I mean. The kuid is 334624 and since he is French, he may not know enough English
to make a short tute. Download a track or two and attempt to put a switch with it. He has an electric switch version but I cannot
figure out how it goes after many attempts. I really love his stuff because it transposes whatever you put up to it.
Alright, either of these should work:


Each of these are Turn-out switches. One is a Wye. Help thyself.
This should be plenty for your experiment.
On the switches you see a reddish point. Add a turnout motor (e.g.TH J neutral motor lever) somewhere between the blades and you are in business. To manuelly switch press the point.
Sorry to say, I downloaded the demo and found what is needed in two minutes!