You might want to check Trainz Pro Routes, RR Mods, and USLW. This looks very familiar and I think it was in one of those places I saw it. I don't remember seeing this on the DLS
Thanks, but did try these site, thought it may have been simulatortrain or mortorbreaths . Just can't seem to remember whose they were . Just another case of thinking I backed up all my older content . Oh well keep looking for in both my own HD and web
If that's the case, check Jointed Rail. There's a lot of content up there that looks like this, and his content is up there... (A little bit of deductive reasoning on my part, which is a rare thing these days...).
Thanks for all the responses , They are Simulatortrain . And they are no longer available, but may be back up at JR . It's nice to know I can get help for a bad memory , and maybe a place to stay :hehe: The pic was the only one I could fine real quick.
Just an other case of make sure to back up everything, and I mean everything . Seem I didn't , thought I had when I DL off the original site. And yea there PRR ( go figure )
If these are actually models of the 75' PRR class F39 cars, I hope these get reintroduced. The PRR TrucTrain 75-foot cars (class F39) with round-nose 35-foot trailers are perfect for early 1950s routes, while the Trailer-Train 85-foot flats (class F85) with flat-nose 40-foot trailer loads are only appropriate to 1959 and later.
wva-usa Thanks, yea those are the ones, as I remember there were three versions . Two actual versions as build, one fiction. I now know they came from ( MGTrainz ) in 2010 due to your help with the link . So my search in my backups needs to go back further. But I now know that they are Simulatortrain commission by mortorbreath for his trailers of that time period, And I used them in a lot of my sessions on my route . So thanks