According to Trains magazine...
Trains magazine will live stream excursions with famed Norfolk & Western Class J 4-8-4 No. 611 on July 3 and July 5. We'll try for two great run-bys on the morning excursions from Roanoke, Va., to Lynchburg, Va., via Blue Ridge grade and again in the afternoon, when the locomotive tackles the iconic Christiansburg grade between Roanoke and Walton Junction. This is the grand finale of No. 611's triumphant 2015 return, so don't miss it! Watch it live with Trains!
Trains live stream link...
Trains magazine will live stream excursions with famed Norfolk & Western Class J 4-8-4 No. 611 on July 3 and July 5. We'll try for two great run-bys on the morning excursions from Roanoke, Va., to Lynchburg, Va., via Blue Ridge grade and again in the afternoon, when the locomotive tackles the iconic Christiansburg grade between Roanoke and Walton Junction. This is the grand finale of No. 611's triumphant 2015 return, so don't miss it! Watch it live with Trains!
Trains live stream link...