lignes de commandes


New member
Bonjour j’ai perdu la ligne de commande qui me permet d’avoir trainz 2004 en français pouvez vous me la donner ? et me dire ou la mettre.
Pouvez vous la transmettre sur mon courrier électronique.
D’avance merci.
Hello Maurice,

Please remove your email address from the forums. This will open you up to spam.

Regarding your missing shortcut which I think you are asking about, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Auran\TRS2004\ or ..\bin. (It's been quite some time since I've run TRS2004 - maybe 11 years now!)

You should see a Launcher.exe in there...

Right-click and choose Send To.

This will create a shortcut on your desktop and you'll then be able to run the program.

I do apologize if this isn't a correct explanation or fix for your program, but I based this off of Google Translate. My French is very, very rusty - not spoken in 40 years at least so I chose to post in English. :)
