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Unidentified bogie

I know I had a start as rough as a 10.0 earthquake. Couldn't contribute anything, and managed to make everyone hate me. I would blame it on my Asperger's autism but that is nothing more than making an excuse. I tried to apologize and improve behavior multiple times, but apparently I was too much of an idiot to be forgiven. I have also turned out to be about the unluckiest person here, having my security breached several times.

I understand I am incapable of being respected, even by moderators and I accept that. I have made a lot of unwise decisions, and I cannot be trusted whatsoever. I can understand why members insult my lack of intelligence. It is accurate and I deserve it.

I believe the best thing to do now is leave the community for good. I would hate to cause any more disruption.

My son has "Asperger's autism". He's a frustrating individual sometimes. I don't know what brought this angst on LP, but the choice is yours I guess.
Hi Lo (OH Boy, can't help myself:o )

You can not please other people all the time so why bother.
The only real necessity is to please yourself.

Give what you are able to the Trainz Community and take what interests you, but you don't have to take peoples' (for want of a better word) crap!

Spend more time in gmax, Trainz and the DLS and less time on the forum.
Create for youself and for your friends, if the rest like what you do, then that is an unexpected bonus.
You'll feel a lot better if you do.

Cheer up and hang around.

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I know I had a start as rough as a 10.0 earthquake. Couldn't contribute anything, and managed to make everyone hate me. I would blame it on my Asperger's autism but that is nothing more than making an excuse. I tried to apologize and improve behavior multiple times, but apparently I was too much of an idiot to be forgiven. I have also turned out to be about the unluckiest person here, having my security breached several times.

I understand I am incapable of being respected, even by moderators and I accept that. I have made a lot of unwise decisions, and I cannot be trusted whatsoever. I can understand why members insult my lack of intelligence. It is accurate and I deserve it.

I believe the best thing to do now is leave the community for good. I would hate to cause any more disruption.

I think you have miss judged yourself and those who have tried to help. Everyone here has gone through problems and at times it is hard to see the answer that is staring you in the face. Unfortunately that is part of the Computer World and the World at large.

Do not leave, just hang in there and take your time with questions and problems. There are and have been many people (including me) on the forum with Physical or Mental problems and at times people who do not know of the problems can be a little "hard" on you.

Just keep looking on the bright side that you have found a wonderful "past-time" in Trainz that you enjoy very much and not be so hard on yourself when others do not think before they say something.

Take care, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sounds like a wee bit of depression there my friend. It can be hard sometimes not too feel appreciated but try not to take things too seriously here. I must admit I was a little puzzled by this thread submission but Trainz is a fulfilling hobby and should be a happy thing - even a bit of escapism that does no harm. Stick to it as a means of self-help. I have had some wearisome erratic ill-health but Trainz is my extra medication that challenges me and brightens things up. Keeps my little grey cells ticking nicely when everyhting else seems at times belly up.Even more so in a heavy overcast and freezing Glasgow!
Lo Poly if you enjoy working with Trainz this is the place to be. That's the way I see it. I don't care what others might say or think. I often ramble on about things that most users don't care a hoot about. I try to contribute when and where I can and others do the same which is what makes the forums a great place. With Trainz we all start out not knowing much and we get a lot of help from others along the way. After 5 years with this game I'm still learning.

As Ed said the choice is yours but I'd give it a another thought.

Bob Pearson
I wanted to leave because I do not want to be harassed/trolled anymore.

Even though they may think it is fun, it hurts my feelings.
That's something you should inform the mods about.

I get enough of that crap at school, and I know it isn't easy, but when you ignore them they will stop bothering you.

My suggestion is for you to take some time off, come back after the holidays, and see how things stand. :wave:


PS: If you do decide to leave, then good luck and Godspeed.
I personally appreciate the heads up you give me LP. There's a lot of them; not all are valid; but the few that are, are a help.


That's something you should inform the mods about.

I get enough of that crap at school, and I know it isn't easy, but when you ignore them they will stop bothering you.

My suggestion is for you to take some time off, come back after the holidays, and see how things stand. :wave:


PS: If you do decide to leave, then good luck and Godspeed.

Thank you. I find it pointless though to inform any moderators, as they have always sided with the "good people" before (well, when it has to do with non-completely obvious offenses).

I will think about it.
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As someone who has read lots of posts (but only added comments when I feel I can add something) I'm going to add my tuppence' worth.

Don't walk away form one of your hobbies/pastimes at this time.
Maybe take a short break (It's coming Christmas - there's other things happening).

It is very, very easy (as I know to my cost) to read a post, then forma judgement about the person on the other end - it's usually wrong - but we all do it. As AJ said - the Mods are there to help - we all write things quickly that maybe we shouldn't (on 30 seconds thoughts).

You'll be missed when you're away - but "act in haste - repent at leisure" is still true.

With best wishes to you, your family and friends for Christmas,

I actually have autism myself. I have been through tough times as well, but I have pulled through. I don't know why anyone should be treated like this.
I wanted to leave because I do not want to be harassed/trolled anymore.

Even though they may think it is fun, it hurts my feelings.

LP, may I suggest that little red button on your post? It looks like a UK road sign and if anyone is being out of order, press it and fill out the details. It then alerts every mod and they can then decide what is the most appropiate action to take. Either that or flag down one of the forum mods (UnNerved, Lost_Soul, Samrec, AJ_Fox, etc) in the chatroom and ask them to look at it for you.

HTHs :)
Here's my 2 cents. If you must leave then by all means do, But I don't reccomend it. I would do what I did. Leave for a short period, maybe check the forums without posting or anything once in a blue moon, and come back at a later date. I was gone for maybe all of 2 months before I came back. All I needed was a break from the forums. I was sick of some of the same things. And during my break, I learned GMax. Thats all it takes, a break of maybe a month or 2, and then you can come back. I don't reccomend leaving at all, actually, because I missed a lot over here, and some of my friends who aren't at TCR Wondered where i weant, but thats a diffferent story.

Do whatever you feel you want or need to do to relax and reduce stress, bad vibes, etc.

Maybe it would be wise to concentrate on solving one problem at a time, for example your current computer memory troubles might be the most urgent thing right now.

Once that's fixed there's nothing to stop you exploring whatever aspects of Trainz interest you most, while visiting these and the other Trainz sites and forums whenever you wish to read the advice that people are giving each other.

And I'm sure nobody here would object to you asking for the occasional bit of help. You've certainly never done or said anything I found in the least bit annoying (hope the reverse is true!), I just put down your frequent posts to youthful enthusiasm and that shouldn't be condemned.

Best wishes and enjoy your Christmas,

I haven't read anything unwanted, or untoward in your posts LP. Some members of this forum seem to take things a bit too personally, or are just plain rude and demeaning. Don't let those people get to you. The rest of us are a genuinely nice bunch of guys. I know, because I've been in this forum since the release of Trainz in 2002.

Just take a bit of time off from the forum, so you can clear your head, then come back. It's what I do when I get "content creation burnout".

Hope to see you in the forums for a while LP. I'm sure you will fit right in.


I know I had a start as rough as a 10.0 earthquake. Couldn't contribute anything, and managed to make everyone hate me. I would blame it on my Asperger's autism but that is nothing more than making an excuse. I tried to apologize and improve behavior multiple times, but apparently I was too much of an idiot to be forgiven. I have also turned out to be about the unluckiest person here, having my security breached several times.

I understand I am incapable of being respected, even by moderators and I accept that. I have made a lot of unwise decisions, and I cannot be trusted whatsoever. I can understand why members insult my lack of intelligence. It is accurate and I deserve it.

I believe the best thing to do now is leave the community for good. I would hate to cause any more disruption.


Strangely enough a number of people who are into Trainz have some sort of mental or physical problems. Quite often there are connections between the two. One friend who ended up in a wheel chair after a car accident used to get very depressed that he could no longer drink beer. Going to the washroom was a major event. Trainz and the forums do offer a chance to communicate with others without leaving the house and often that communicating is helpful more helpful than going to sit quietly in a corner somewhere.

What you have done is highlighted some problem areas and helped spread knowledge to others who are reluctant to ask questions and in that way you have added value to the forums. Since we've seen a few odd people contribute in the past I think the forum is more supportive and tolerant than your perception. I also think there is a learning curve as you and the forums interact.

My suggestion is relax, take it gently and try to figure out what is achievable, then achieve it. Don't look too hard for problems, emails and forum posts are not perfect so assume the other person is not making a personal attack but they may have an issue or concern and address the issue or concern.

Cheerio John
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