Kudos to euphod for his great retail content


Active member
This comment will be of most interest to those creating modern era USA (and maybe Canadian - I'll let Canadians come to their own opinion) routes which include urban/suburban areas. Most cities in the USA of any size have at at least one 4-lane road heading out of town, that was at one time the main intercity highway but has been superceded by the interstate highway, so is now mainly for local traffic. Typical retail establishments now include seedy motels, gas stations, fast food joints, bars, pay-day lenders, tattoo parlors, strip clubs, gun shops, comic book shops, liquor stores, and convenience stores - in other words, lower middle class America at it's best and tackiest.

euphod has done many of these businesses - my favorite is Tail o' the Pup which will be familiar to anyone who has lived in LA. I would like to see the donut chain in LA with the big brown donut sign - I been outta LA too long to remember the name. Most of euphod's businesses in this category are small enough to fit in a strip between the 4-lane road and either the parallel interstate or rail line, including space for at least a one-sided off street parking spline.

If these types of businesses are what you need, look for his content on the DLS and enjoy.
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Agreed. His stuff has MADE Trains for a lot of people, I think. Davesnow deserves credit too, as I'm sure Ed would point out. Without Dave's models and his generous reskinning policy, Trainz would SUCK.

Kinda reminds you that together a community is strong. I have a lot of respect for these guys (also add willem2, bendorsey, and lots of others I can't think of right now) because they're committed to making the community better.

People have specific talents and one thing that's really cool about Trainz is that people can exercise these talents to create a great final product.

Many thanks, to Dave Snow for creating the stuff in the first place, and allowing it to be reskinned, and to Euphod for putting his creative talents to use in taking advantage of that offer.

This comment will be of most interest to those creating modern era USA (and maybe Canadian - I'll let Canadians come to their own opinion) routes which include urban/suburban areas.

It should also be mentioned, so as not to turn people away, that a fair amount of the businesses that Ed has skinned wouldn't look out of place in routes based around other countries.

I know I'd use most of them in an Aussie route.

Reply to euphod

Went to your thread about retail suggestions and couldn't find the post that you referred me to in your most recent post in this thread. But I went to the DLS and d/l'd both White Castle and Dunkin Donuts and since I grew up in Chicago these were both establishments where I spent much of my youth.

I previously d/l'd Hopenchange Plaza which is a classic! Since I volunteer at a food bank I was happy to see it included.
I agree. Ed's reskins and Dave's original models are awesome. Right now I've set up "Euphod Road" with all the fast food joints and stores along it.

I was thinking about reskinning one of the buildings as Snow and Wells Architectural Design when I get some free time. :)

Went to your thread about retail suggestions and couldn't find the post that you referred me to in your most recent post in this thread. But I went to the DLS and d/l'd both White Castle and Dunkin Donuts and since I grew up in Chicago these were both establishments where I spent much of my youth.

I previously d/l'd Hopenchange Plaza which is a classic! Since I volunteer at a food bank I was happy to see it included.


Actually, the next one is right up your alley as well!:D

And thanks John, I'm honored!
both you and dave shopuld be honoured

you mkake wonderfull items that make the routes come alive,
because people can associate with what they're seeing

Reply to euphod

Somehow I feel....dirty.
Thanks guys, I'm glad the content fills a gap, you are all too kind!

schweitzerdude; I've made something just for you, check it out in my thread...:wave:

If you mean the massage parlor, it appeared on the DLS overnight (USA time) and it's already in place between the Landing Strip and Moe's Tavern (rumor has it that all 3 are controlled by the same "family"). Also d/l'd the Piggly Wiggly grocery store. Thanks again.
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