Just wondering...

Kind of fell off the map... I rather doubt any registered user here lives in Mongolia, much less that there is Mongolian stuff for Trainz. Out of curiousity why is a Briton looking for Mongolian Trainz content?

First of all, I live in the U.S., and second, I'm Mongolian. Look at my location.

BTW, they're called Brits, not Britons. Correct me if I'm wrong.:)
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Oops my bad:o , but I still don't know of any Mongolian stuff for Trains (might well ask the horde, they may know:p).

I don't know about my compatriots, but I prefer Britons to Brits. Why does everyone have to abbreviate names etc.

So There!

First of all, I live in the U.S., and second, I'm Mongolian. Look at my location.

Your location doesn`t tell me that you`re in the U.S. :)

By the way, "Ulaan Baatar" is 2 words, not 1. :p

And I`m a Briton, not a Brit.

On subject though, I can`t remember seeing any Mongolian stuff on the DLS.
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BLACKWATCH, that's incorrect. It's what most people outside Mongolia think. Some even resort to spelling it "Ulan Bator", which is wrong. It's one word, not two. Plus, I usually am in the U.S. I'm just gonna be here in Ulaanbaatar for the summer. And the "Brit" thing, it's just what I hear on TV. I'm having a bit of internet trouble here, so don't expect me to respond immediatly. (I might not get to this thread again until tommorrow!)