Just getting Started


New member
I've just started to enjoy the world of train Simulators after getting the MicrosoftTrain Simulator for a birthday Present. Looking on the Web it seems that 'Trainz' is more detailed. Without spending a fortune to start with. Can anyone suggest what trainz program I should start of with. I would love to build a simulation that depicts the East Coast Main Line in North East England. Help at this point in my new found hobby would be much appreciated.


William Westerkirk
Welcome William (or Bill)

Yes you have found the most stimulating and adictive Sim around (ignore all the hype from others in this field)

Trainz has the BIGGEST cummunity of helpers and fellow enthusiasts in the World. There are plenty from your neck of the woods too !!!

Go with whatever version you like, its cheap, rewarding and time consuming (you will see !!!)

Trainz TC3 is out (or shortly so) that contains a lot of UK content, locos, rolling stock and routes.
Costs for the program vary between $10 (TRS2004) and $50 (TC2 or 3) Dollar to Pound is half

BUT the DLS (Download Station) is so HUGE with 60000 items, any version will do, just get on board quickly !!

All here are buddies (I hate that expression) and very helpful with any problem or question you may have .... so jump in

Building your route is easy (ish) and there is a lot of free content out there to help you.
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If you're looking to build routes, I'd get yourself a copy of TRS 2006, or '04 if you can find it cheap.

The Trainz Classics series are only one or two routes in each package, with only the required items. This can make it difficult to download other routes and rolling stock from the download station, as many rely on content included with all of the earlier versions or Trainz.

That being said, Trainz Classics 3 (name in the UK TBC) looks like it will be superb, as it features the entire of the Settle and Carlisle route in the 1960's. You can always add this later, and import all the stuff from 2006 into it when it's out...

You should be able to find brand new fully legitimate copies of TRS2004 and TRS2006 online for five pounds including delivery. Try amazon.co.uk and play.com Make sure the description and the photo of the case both clearly state the version. Avoid Trainz (without the 2004 or 2006) as it is the very first version. Also avoid UTC/Ultimate Trainz Collection which was the second version. Avoid Trainz Driver, it's a cut-down demo. Trainz Routes are add-on routes for TRS2006 and don't include the program. Trainz Railways is the UK name for Trainz Classics, the latest version which lacks many of the objects which are provided with TRS2004 and TRS2006. Some people prefer TC though.

Avoid secondhand/used copies as they cannot be re-registered on this site, so you wouldn't be able to download additional items from here.

Opinions differ highly regarding which is best between TRS2004 and TRS2006. Both will do the job. Personally I'd favour TRS2004 because the sound works, scenarios work and it doesn't have CMP, a feature of TRS2006 and TC which gives many people a lot of problems.

As an experienced user of both TRS'06 and TRS'04, I would choose TRS'04 and I have, discarding '06 all together. As John mentioned, the CMP can be a nightmare. It was for me.
Version '04 will give you almost everything on the DLS to choose from. (Someone said 60000 items!?);)

Check thegrindre's web site and look for that cover box. (link below) It'll give all you'll need including all updates, (SP's), service packs, all in one bundle and only cost about 10 dollars USD. It's the Deluxe version.
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I will step up and advice TRS06 instead of TRS04 for the simple reason it is an update of TRS04 with features that were not included in the TRS04 version. One of those features is the CMP which, when used correctly, isn't a problem at all to use.
Zwabberaar - You must be very clever!


Apparently. TRS2004: Last night I downloaded a layout called Route 66. When I started it up in Surveyor, it indicated it was missing assets, so I opted to Download Missing Assets from the menu. It proceeded to download 673 assets totaling over 480 megs from the DLS without skipping a beat, all in about 10 minutes. Now, can TRS2006 do that?
I picked up a copy of Trainz 2006 from Woolworths recently, cost me £7.49. It is labelled Trainz Railway Simulator and is marketed by Focus. It has 2006 Edition printed on back. I know you can get it for £5 online, but if you don't get free postage, will probably work out the same plus no waiting for it to arrive :)
It appears there will always be the argument between those that have no problems with 06 and those that do ?
No one as of today, has a clue why 06 works flawlessly for some, and does not work for others (it has to be one's system, and/or settings).
Mine has worked since it's installation, and it's reinstallation after I upgraded my PC, and I would never return to 04, I am very happy !
The argument will continue until someone breaks the code ?
Prior to the Forum crash, I had requested Auran to do a survey on members who were happy with 06, and those who were not. Having each supply info regarding their OS, and settings, and internet connection, to see if there might be a common area of success or failure ?
Well, we all know how far that proceded !
As stated, someday, someone will decipher the problem, it will most likely be after TRS2012 has been released ?
But it will still be a happy day for Trainzers !

My thoughts ---DLR
Thanks for all the help. I think I'll try the 2004. One more question... I'm running on Window Vista... any compatability problems.

I'm running TRS2006 in Vista with zero problems and no "tweaks". You will need a fairly decent computer to run it though, relative to XP.

AMD Athlon X2 4200+
3gb DDR2
250gb SATA
Radeon X1950PRO

I can run TRS2006 in XP with 1gb DDR, a Sempron 2800+, and a Radeon X1600PRO with no problems. Therefore, you probably need at the very least a video card, and possibly some more RAM. Good luck and enjoy Trainz!
I run TRS2004 in Vista, no probs, no tweaks.

Also run TRS2004 on my old XP machine, absolute minimum to check what the worst people would see, its 800Mhz, 256Mb memory, the abslute minimum spec machine !!!
I now have TRS2006............. change of mind at the last minute. WOW!... I think I'll be needing some support guys.. I've been trying to lay track for ages. Think I'll try another area for my questions. Thanks for helping me get started. No doubt you'll hear my screams of frustration from a little corner of North East England
