Just bought Trainz. Where can one see pics of the dlc content?


New member
I would like to know how best to search for routes and locomotives and rolling stock etc. where I can actually see pictures of the items to better assess the quality? I see text descriptions with links on some sites. Are there preferred creators? Where can i access this type of info? Thanks. Apologies if this is really an embarrassingly basic question.
When you highlight an asset on the DLS you can press Control-I. This will display a picture and a description.
Hope this helps

Thanks for the replies. What does kuids stand for? Thanks for the Control-I tip.

One more question. I see that there are folks who create their own content...either for themselves and/or for others. I have a 15 year history with 3Dsmax. I no longer have my subscription to it and now use Blender and am trying to see if my version 6 of Speedtree Studio will work with Windows 10. Is there a thread on the ins and outs of asset and route creation on this forum?

Thanks again for the replies.
Thanks for the replies. What does kuids stand for? Thanks for the Control-I tip.

One more question. I see that there are folks who create their own content...either for themselves and/or for others. I have a 15 year history with 3Dsmax. I no longer have my subscription to it and now use Blender and am trying to see if my version 6 of Speedtree Studio will work with Windows 10. Is there a thread on the ins and outs of asset and route creation on this forum?

Thanks again for the replies.

Kuid stands for "Koolthingz Unique IDentifier"


Welcome to the forums and to Trainz; aka a whole new world you'll never leave!

For info on Content Creation, go to the Content Creators forum which has all kinds of stuff in there. Your Speed Tree 6 Studio might actually work - best to ask in the CC forum, but that's the current version now for T:ANE, besides, from a Windows standpoint, if the application works in Windows 7 and Windows 8 it should work in Windows 10.

There's a direct plug-in for Blender to allow export to the Trainz mesh format so you're in luck there, and eventually there will be generic FBX exporter support. There's been some testing done in the Trainz Dev group with this. I have not tried it myself since I am not a content creator.

Now the KUID. Every creator has a UID assigned automatically by the My Trainz server. This is a unique ID which identifies you and your creations on the Trainz servers and locally within the program. When you start T:ANE, and you've put in your login information, you will see your UID in the Developer tab.

As dundin92 mentioned, this is the Koothingz Unique IDentifier. This ID format keeps track of the individual assets within the program. The ID is made up of the following parts and is divided up into sections separated by a colon (:).


Taking this let's look at a simple KUID.
<kuid:124863:260001> Strip Mall

What this means is it helps identify both the USER ID and the Asset ID. The problem with this is the only way to obsolete this version was to use a special table in the config.txt file called the obsolete-table.


0 Asset KUID being obsoleted


Because of the limitations of the KUID format, the KUID2 was created. Note the version number. There can be up to 126 versions of an asset with each higher version number superseding the previous on and obsoleting the previous version automatically.

<kuid2:124863:21034:1> BonMarcheBuilding

With this ID system, it's very easy to query the DLS or Download Station, various website with Trainz Assets, especially with the Trainz Kuid Index at www.trainzkuidindex.com and of course keep track of dependencies.

It's important to note here that it's not recommended that you create a random KUID as this can conflict with something else already installed. This issue can come up too if you have multiple installs and have modified assets in each installation then copied stuff between them because the database does not know about the other instance and you can end up overwriting something inadvertently. There have also been instances when factory buildings became canal locks due to a simple typographical error when an asset was updated by a content creator, and there have been instances on my own installation where I overwrote a road intersection with a route session. Since N3V's content servers keep track of the UID and KUID system, if a user attempts to create a KUID, without a registered version of Trainz, the asset will be rejected from upload. This wasn't always the case, however, and now we have some invalid content which is being addressed.

Hope this helps.

JCitron, I thought I had replied to this generous reply you gave me last night but I must have clicked "cancel" instead of "post reply" for it was not there this morning. I have to run off right now so I do not have the time to reply in length. But I thank you for the very informative reply and that it willt ake me a bit of time to become familiar with many of the terms used in content creation. I might not even have the time to create anything but I will browse as much of the methods people are using to model and create assets. Specifically using Blender as I do not wish to invest any more money into autodesk. Plus I really like Blender and it has a wonderful and very active community for support and inspiration. Thanks again for all the replies.