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On my siding junctions the levers are real close together. Most of the time that I am controlling the route myself, when I try to switch a junction, the wrong one will change, and it will keep changing no matter how many times I try to change the one I want. How can I stop this from happening?

Move the Lever to the Otherside of the Switch

Hi Don,

In surveyor track laying tab there are three buttons at the top. The first button allows you to lay tracks. The second allow you to insert trackside objects and the third allow track marks.

On the second tab (trackside objects) choose the rotate button, point at the switch and shazam the lever is on the otherside of the switch.

I will add that the default levers that comes with the game look bad. There are some great alternatives on the DLS. I use CSX lever switchs and CN low level lever switches that add some realism to the game.

To replace a lever go to DLS and pick a lever that you like. Then use the trackside objects tab. Delete the old lever and replace it with the new one.

Hope this helps
you will find that to change a point manually side on is your solution otherwise its a lottery which one changes
Thanks guys. That really helped me. I couldn't find the junction levers you refered to but changing sides was a big help.

Also remember you"ve got a certain amount of lateral "play" with the lever.Try shifting it further away from the other lever and if it stays Red/Green you"re OK coz its still working.If it goes all red you need to shift it back again.
Thanks guys. That really helped me. I couldn't find the junction levers you refered to but changing sides was a big help.


Search Trackside Objects in DLS. Not only are there levers but signals, signs and lots of other neat stuff to add realism to your route.

All trackside objects are placed in surveyor track mode second tab.

Have fun!:wave:
also if you use the track side switches that don't label the green and red arrows( hey red green show) the signals will tell you witch one is switched too. green means that the main is normal. if it is red it means that the switch is thrown and is routed.:)

My problem is I always have trouble with cmp when I am searching. I use 2006 and it doesn't seem to make any difference how I search I get the message---------no items to display. That is why I couldn't find those switches. must be I always do something wrong. Thanks anyway for all the replies.

Wait a minute!. Your problem was noticed many eons ago by us. I mean that when you are driving is impossible to switch the second turnout after the immediate one. Of course you could go "outside", switch and return. But if you use a rule called "Track view", you can "see" all the turnouts ( and signals and more too), ahead. If you click on a turnout, it will switch. Now the question is where is this TrackView rule? I searched for it in the DLS and could not see it. But I have it! If you can't find it, I will look in my roots to see the KUID. Just let us know. ( I still use 04, but I think it should also work in 06).
But if you use a rule called "Track view", you can "see" all the turnouts ( and signals and more too), ahead. If you click on a turnout, it will switch. Now the question is where is this TrackView rule? I searched for it in the DLS and could not see it. But I have it! If you can't find it, I will look in my roots to see the KUID. Just let us know. ( I still use 04, but I think it should also work in 06).


Could you post the kuid of the "track view" rule?

KlausM left, and took his content with him, to make a long story short.

Makes it rather hard to find KUIDs by him. :eek:
Another trick is to decrease the trigger circle for the point. Go to the track marker menu, select advanced and enter 0.5 for the trigger radius. Select the middle Set Trigger Radius button and click on the junction circles. The junction can then be selected at only 0.5m from it (You can choose what value you want but I find this useable). The normal radius is 20m hence the problems.
Find KUID 41009:1022 and 41009:1023 on the DLS.....

Kind of the same as what you are looking for....It's called mcCustom HUD.

Created by >thakalane<

Be sure to DL both and install both....then set it ON in Surveyor Edit Session.

Works in 04 and 06.

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Yes it is! but if you google it you will see a website under tarl.trainz.ws. Open it and you will be at a website that talks about this rule. Caution: I tried to open razorback railway (Somehow it mentions that they have the rule), and I got a trojan virus! My spyware took care of it, but is not funny. So I am at a loss right now as to where is this rule. I could send the file to anyone asking for it.. If this does not infringe any rights or legalities.
One more answer about the trigger radius: It works! Go ahead and set each point to about .5 mt and you can switch the points with almost the engine on top of it. Exit the session (saving it first), go to sleep and come back next day. The trigger radius is back to 20 mts! Somebody said that in 06 it remembers, but not in 04. Any comments? This somewhat reminds me of the clock problem: You have nice clocks at your stations, and they show the correct time as in the game time. Save the session and come back to it. The clocks show 12 mid day all the time and don't move (There iare some clocks (Squared Germand ones) that always show the correct time no matter how many times you save and play). Both problems happen when you save, exit and come back.