junction help please


New member
hello everyone. could someone please look at my very bad drawing and tell me if it would work ? i would set this going both ways but not to close to get trains in amd out of industries pf its wrong please suggest a better way thanks. ok and tell me how to post the bad picure i made to show what i ment
Hi Stigrulz! To post a picture you need to put it on a publicly accessible site like Imgur or something (normally I recommend the Trainz Gallery, but apparently it has had issues since December). Then get the link to the picture and paste it in your post using the icon that looks like a picture (Between the chain links and the happy face).
ok thanks thaat sounds too hard for me as im legally blind so i guess i give up lol sorry for wasting everyones time.
Posting an image isn't complex but not being able to see may make it difficult. You need to use a site such as www.imgur.com. You upload the image there then copy the like and paste that link to it into the forums for us to see.

But anyway, I'll see if I can help you based on your description.

What you need to do is ensure your track between the switches is long enough to hold your longest train without fouling the switches or locking them. Using signals, you can prevent AI from taking control of the junction if another AI driver is already in there. You will need a two-head signal for entering the split in the track and two absolute signals, (type 04) signals facing towards the exits to indicate to the drivers that there's a signal ahead and they need to stop.