Junction Commands, Rules


New member

How are these commands and rules best used? (TRS 2006, SP 1)

The driver commands list contains 4 junction commands - Set, Release, Free, and ...? Can't remember. There are 2 junction rules - Set and Multiple Junction Check. None of the commands are described.

Set Junction driver command works as it seems like it should, but I can't figure out the use of Release and Free. I've used both after the Set Junction command, but have not been able to see any effect. The function of the Set Junction rule seems to be to prevent changing the junction during a manual drive, but not prevent AI changing of the junction. Is that all it does?

Also, from limited experience with the Set Junction command, it appears that using it may have an impact on other, seemingly unrelated operations.

Anybody have any insights on using these commands and rules?

I'm glad you bought this topic up.I am using the "release junction" in one of my routes but have noticed the consist to which I issued that command shows no change in train performance.
I have only TRS 2004, but the "RuralArea", kuid:131986:241366, helped me a lot to better understand the commands you mentioned.
It is a demo route to test new driver commands.
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Update - connection to Stop Train?

Can the Set Junction command issue a Stop Train order to an AI controlled train?

In a thread called Stop Train problem I described a problem with an AI train being under a Stop Train command that I had not issued. This is the Stop Train command near the top of the menu that you get when you click on a space between the command icons when an AI driver is running the train. When you click on Stop Train, the train stops, and the next time you click in the same place, there is a Continue Schedule command in the menu - clicking it will cause the AI driver to resume operations.

In the instance I'm talking about, I had not issued the command, but the train was stopped. I clicked on a space between AI commands and the menu showed a Continue Schedule command - clicking on that had no effect. In the other thread, I was asking what might cause this. No one has come up with an answer.

The underlying problem was that a consist had entered a spur, leaving the junction open that way. This caused a red signal on the lead, so no other AI train could enter. So, I used Set Junction on that turnout, and another train could then use the lead. But after the lead was open again, the train on the spur was stopped as described. I tried resetting the junction, Release Junction, and Free Junction. The consist on the spur was still "locked down", and the only way to move it was by my intervention, something I want to avoid when I'm trying to do something in AI mode.

I was able to reorder train movements and avoid having that junction cause a problem - except for reordering, all the commands were the same, except that I did not use the Set Junction command.

So, I'm wondering if I'm misusing the junction commands.

I'll take a look at Rural Area - thanks for the suggestion.


How are these commands and rules best used? (TRS 2006, SP 1)

The driver commands list contains 4 junction commands - Set, Release, Free, and ...? Can't remember. There are 2 junction rules - Set and Multiple Junction Check. None of the commands are described.

Set Junction driver command works as it seems like it should, but I can't figure out the use of Release and Free. I've used both after the Set Junction command, but have not been able to see any effect. The function of the Set Junction rule seems to be to prevent changing the junction during a manual drive, but not prevent AI changing of the junction. Is that all it does?

Also, from limited experience with the Set Junction command, it appears that using it may have an impact on other, seemingly unrelated operations.

Anybody have any insights on using these commands and rules?


Release junction should really be used if the AI has used a junction but has locked it out for you to use...

you need to find the train that's just used it and get it to run 'release junction X'


For "Release Junction" I issue the command to a train that locks junctions on all nearby traffic even though it is located quite a bit away.Sometimes it works but more than often it doesn't.What am I doing wrong?
