JR Payware for Multiplayer???


Content Klemptner
Some of JR's Assets can be purchiated via Trainz-Shop.

my questions:

start the Download via CM automatically?
can i use these locos in multiplayer-sessions?

I've never used multiplayer but as far as I'm aware all assets used have to be on the DLS or built in.


Since those assets will not be flagged as "locally modified" when downloaded in game, in theory you could use them in a multiplayer session. I didn't test this yet.

It does, obviously, require all players that want to use that session to also have bought that content via N3V. If you buy the same assets directly via JR, they will be flagged locally modified and as a result not work.
If the asset is downloaded through the in-game DLC system, then it can be used in multiplayer. However, only players with the asset installed via the DLC system will be able to join the multiplayer game; those who downloaded from the JointedRail website will not be able to join.

Note, not all JointedRail assets on the TrainzPortal store may be distributed via the DLC system. Those that are should have the DLC system instructions on the shop page, if you aren't sure then please contact the helpdesk :)

god damn, this store.trainzportal.com is so annoying!
why cant be marked DLC's for Multiplayer?
why there are no KUID's listed?

Why i must search every single DLC to find compatible locos!
This is so unfriendly!
Hi CJ187
I have passed a suggestion on to our team to look at adding an indication that an asset is multiplayer compatible.

However the simple fact is that any DLC pack marked as "In Game Downloadable Content (Requires Internet Connection)" above the description will be multiplayer compatible. As you are using TANE, all DLC packs on this page should be multiplayer compatible: https://store.trainzportal.com/collections/jointed-rail/tane-sp1?page=3

and why the CM find only 13 Locos and no routes?


why it is so complicated!
that is not good customer support!