This new signal script sucks no flasing yellow signal on the two headed signal and train signals on ctc don't show a green signal when the last engine or freight car passes.
This new signal script sucks no flasing yellow signal on the two headed signal and train signals on ctc don't show a green signal when the last engine or freight car passes.
You are correct these two things were a relatively minor oversight in the code, much of which has been heavily restructured and re-written since the 1.66 version. I should have had the option to set the flashing yellow on multi head signals if you wanted it that way. I have since corrected my horrible mistake and I am terribly sorry that it ruined your Trainz experience.
I can't see how they don't work properly, you will have to do a better job at explaining exactly why they don't. Every signal can be set as approach lit now vs 1.66 when only some had the capability and can even be tethered to channels so multiple signals can activate on a particular block.
-You can always use the built-in USA signals or learn a 3d modeling program and create, build your own and then write your own script. They're are other options.
don't you dear jude me 22apha you don't know what is like to be sick everday from a car car accident and have a head injury and head trauma so you better watch you mouth.
don't you dear jude me 22apha you don't know what is like to be sick everday from a car car accident and have a head injury and head trauma so you better watch you mouth.