Jointed Rail in T:ANE?


Yesterdayz Trainz Member
Not JointedRail (the developer) Jointed Rail the track, as in 39' sections joined by joint plates (fishplates).

Is there ANY procedural, spiked, USA style procedural track out there? JR has some nice ones, as do others but they date to TS12 and are not procedural, so no points :(.

I'm using T:ANE wood at the moment, but I miss the aesthetic of good old fashioned mid century US bolted together tracks...
There is none yet in the procedural version, however, the JR track works fine. I am using their ST-track for my sidings and the JR NS series for my mainlines, which I picked up from a route I purchased sometime ago. I think it was the American Intermodal if I recall.

I agree we need some good procedural North American track.
I've started a conversion of mine to the new system but it's got a ways to go yet. Not helpful at the moment, but maybe someday :)
I've started a conversion of mine to the new system but it's got a ways to go yet. Not helpful at the moment, but maybe someday :)

Well, T:ANE has a mass replacement feature so, I'll take it!! I can wait, build with what I've been using, and then swap it out later.