Isaac's Trainz Thread


New member
Inspired by Ex-Railwayman, I'm devoting a FULL thread to my creations and screenshots. Here is a sample of what I'll share:

June 10, 2008
9:01 PM











You see? Good. I'll be posting screenshots of trains from many countries. As a modern teenager, I'm only used to modern trains. However, I may add the occasional steam engine here and there.....

I hope you'll enjoy!

Isaac Grove
That Tri Rail reskin is NICE!!!! Will you release it? If so I would put my NY route on hold to make a Tri Rail one. Any CDOT in the future??

Nice work
@ Trainmonkey: Yes, I have a Tri-Rail Trainset. Release depends upon Magicland now.

@ BStyles: :hehe:

@ Flyboy711: Thanks, sure! By all means! Make a Tri-rail route. I'm not sure if these will ever be released. Magicland is very... lets say "choosey" in reskin releases. He does it tactfully though :hehe:

@ Everyone Else: I shall be posting another pic tonight and also more throughout the week.

NOTE: Please don't make too many posts in between picture posts. Also, I request that only I post pictures in this thread as the title remains "Isaac's" Trainz Thread. Thank you. I do try to be tact

Isaac Grove
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Man, I love Tri-Rail. I remember I was in florida for all my summers when I was younger, and that's all we rode.
@ Trainmonkey: COOL!!!

@ StorkNest: THAT would be my F59PHI

@ Everyone Else: Sorry for not posting, I was carried away by my new
Virtual Train Operating Company. I had to make reskins
Dedicated to the VTOC. TOC is the UK word for a
Modern Railway.

Isaac Grove
@ Screamingman14: One work: Cancelled

@ Everyone Else: Sorry everyone, I'm waiting for my new graphics card that I ordered last night. It should be here this afternoon

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news

Isaac Grove
Hi Isaac, great to see you modelling UK all the way from sunny Florida! Nice screen shots. Have you been on UK trains?

@ Paulsw2: Not yet! LOL.... I'm leaving June 16th to go the UK.

@ NSTrainz: Cheers

@ Everyone Else: No updates yet.... sorry

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@ Paulsw2: Not yet! LOL.... I'm leaving June 16th to go the UK.

@ NSTrainz: Cheers

@ Everyone Else: No updates yet.... sorry


I love your Surfliner F59PHI photo. But please don't call me by my username all the time. It kinda annoys me.

@ Paulsw2: Thanks! My trip is fixed itenerary(as its a student ambassador program, and its most likely gonna be more educational then leisurely)

@ Everone Else: FINALLY! Another Picture....

I removed the screenshot that was originally here, as there was a piece of reskinned content not yet authorized to advertise. I'm only granting the author's wish.

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