Is this lap top capable of running any version of Trainz?


Well-known member
I grew tired of the performance of my HP laptop browsing the web and thought about sticking an SSD in it but I came across a refurbished Dell Latitude E6410 ATG Laptop i7-640M 2.86GHz 4GB 250G HDD for $200 so brought that instead. It's primary purpose will be web browsing when I can't be bother to descend to the basement to use the desktop but it has Intel 4000 graphics chip so not suitable for TANE but TS12 perhaps?

Any suggestions how how to check the remaining battery charge?

The other thing is according to Dell records it was shipped with a touch screen is there a way to confirm this in Win 10?

Thanks John
Definitely capable of 2012, perhaps with settings sliders turned down though. I used to run 2012 on a Samsung laptop with an I3 and 3GB ram with adequate but not astounding results...
Definitely capable of 2012, perhaps with settings sliders turned down though. I used to run 2012 on a Samsung laptop with an I3 and 3GB ram with adequate but not astounding results...

Ta I'll have to copy over my TS12 folders sometime.

Thanks John
Battery Status Lights If the computer is connected to an electrical outlet, the battery light operates as follows:
Alternately blinking amber light and blue light — An unauthenticated or unsupported, non-Dell AC adapter is attached to your laptop.
Alternately blinking amber light with steady blue light — Temporary battery failure with AC adapter present.
Constantly blinking amber light — Fatal battery failure with AC adapter present.
Light off — Battery in full charge mode with AC adapter present.
Blue light on — Battery in charge mode with AC adapter present.
Battery Charge and Health
To check the battery charge, press and release the status button on the battery charge gauge to illuminate the charge-level lights. Each light represents
approximately 20 percent of the total battery charge.
For example, if four lights are on, the battery has 80 percent of its charge remaining. If no lights appear, the battery has no charge.
To check battery health using the charge gauge, press and hold the status button on the battery charge gauge for at least 3 seconds. If no lights appear, the
battery is in good condition and more than 80 percent of its original charge capacity remains. Each light represents incremental degradation. If five lights
appear, less than 60 percent of the charge capacity remains, and you should consider replacing the batter
With an i7 and an Intel 4000 GMA it will also run TANE with normal/low sliders and frame rate in the 20s, i.e. close to historical motion picture FPS. I'm typing this on a Surface Pro 3 that has an i5 and onboard Intel 4X and TANE does run on it with acceptable sacrifice given a very portable TANE surveyor and driver experience.