

New member

Does anyone still do the iportal thing? I've only just recently decided I wanted to try the feature out, but ofcourse, it's no fun sending them between my own routes. I was wondering if anyone still used them, and if they are willing to set up cargo runs between eachother. I use alot of downloaded content, so those willing to start up a network may have to download some things, and I would be willing to download what they have aswell to allow imports on my end (I've got a first class ticket, i'm not worried if its alot of stuff). If anyone is interested, reply here and hopefully we can come to some agreement, and get something going.
I use mainly CN, but in rare times i'll have CP andBNSF to. I do not have a main rolling stock company, I use just about anything, provided it does what I need it to. My main 5 engines are CN C44-9W, CN SD75I, BNSF ES44DC, BNSF SD75I, CP ES44DC Hi-adheasion trucks.
I can currently export and import the following products:
Automobile Crysler - In construction
General Goods
Crude Oil

- If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll put up a list of what I have avalible for rolling stock.

One quick question. I am aware you must have the same content as the other person, but are you able to have different bells/horns, or will that not work?

Hope to get some cargo running :)
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Ok, sounds good. What kind of equipment do you run? I'm a little limited right now, because I'm still working on my route. What I can send right now is only lumber, logs, woodchips, crude oil, grain, and general goods. I'm working on getting an auto plant up, so I'll be able to do cars soon.
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it's no fun sending them between my own routes. I

Depends on your route....

I've used them to avoid large return loops - for example to simulate the traffic from a branch line - send the train on the "up line" - consume at iportal, send to iportal on the down line with a given delay.

Much easier - and possibly more accurate modelling that having a loop between the two lines (looks wrong in the landscape!).

Alos used to simulate a large quantity of main line traffic - same principle, but consume at the end of the modelled line, send it back to the beginning.

Really depends on your imagination and the layouts you want to create.

borg7of10 said:
Ok, sounds good. What kind of equipment do you run? I'm a little limited right now, because I'm still working on my route. What I can send right now is only lumber, logs, woodchips, crude oil, grain, and general goods. I'm working on getting an auto plant up, so I'll be able to do cars soon.

All you need in terms of equipment are the following 3 types of car: -

a) Mineral Wagons, Hoppers or gondalas - these carry lumps (e.g. coal), chips (e.g. woodchips) or grain (e.g. barley)

b) Log wagons or flat trucks - these carry logs, boxes, lumber or containers (essentially anything box or log shaped)

c) Tankers - these carry anything liquid such as oil, fuel or water

d) Any loco that everybody has got in their database

(built-in locos+stock are fine for the job if you are a beginner or time is not on your side)

I am unsure though on what will happen if you send a train from a TC user to a TRS2006 user and vice verser. :confused:
I'm really only avalible after 3PM eastern time, and all day on weekends.
Mouse, can you send me a personal message, and we can try to figure out what rolling stock we both have, and what engines we can use, aswell as resources we can send & receive?

Lastly, like I asked in my first post, If both people have the same locomotive, but one has a different horn, can they still be sent without error?
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borg: If you both have the same loco, once it reaches your comp it'll use YOUR config because it'll be reading your content file, not the other person's.

Now then...about using iPortals...HOT DAYM COUNT ME IN lol...I'll fire up me iPortal humpyard and do some classification for ya!
We should set up an Iportal meet someday. Just have tons of people sending loads of trains. I'm making a small route for Iportal use.
If you wish to join in the the iportals thing, send me a message, and we can set something up. I am already working with apache62 to set something up, and its coming along nicely.
Spawn, please send me a personal message with details of cars and locomotives you plan on using. Aswell as what products you wish to use. I will then send you a list of what both apache, and I are using, so hopefully we will be able to start up a network. I only have 2 import, and 2 export portals, however, if we end up with more than 2 others, I will start using a timing thing, were people will be notified when they can send a train to me.
I intend to only send/recieve default crap.

I have some custom locos that are a big help in yardwork (one of them can pull 9000T of coal at 300+ MPH!), but I doubt anyone else does because they're not on the DLS (yet).
Ok, but would you be willing to download some rolling stock and engines?

Edit: I've just found out that even though my built in content is disabled, I can still receive it. So add me in online chat, and I will can start receiving from you. You wont be able to take any of my trains untill you have the files I have.
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o.O you disabled all your built-in stuff?...WHY?!

Just re-enable like the coal hoppers and other stuff that's useful for industries.

I do have a power station on the humpyard...if it goes down...so do all the signals! (love that one)

Send me your surplus coal (should you have any).
I would like to be included in the portal meet but unfortunately trainz 06 is still broken.

I am getting TC3 in 08 so would that be suitable?:(
Spawn, add me as a buddy and we will talk. For now, if you need stuff from me, send a train in and I will load it. please, do NOT send ANYTHING without getting clearence from me, as you are the 3rd person in the network, and I only have 2 lines.
A couple imagines, just because. :)

Engines 4300, and 4301 bringing some tankers to the refinery.


My main rail yard, I store all the rail cars here, and then bring them out to the trackside yard when they are needed.
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