Iowa Local ws fouled by Auran


Still plays with Trainz
Recently a fellow trainzer who regularly corresponds with me wrote telling me he could not get the scenario Iowa Local ws to load without a stack dump. After trying several measures I sent him the config file for the scenario. He was shocked to learn the config was vastly different from the one he obtained through the down load so he sent me a copy. I was shocked, dismayed, frustrated and very angry to learn that somebody at Auran had rearranged the config list and in so doing omitted an absolutely essential asset. For those of you having problems with this scenario, the kuid is 46819:53007 and is required for the first asset that appears in the scenario. I fail to understand why Auran feels the need to rearrange a config file but if they must then they should be meticulous about including all the necessary assets and their correct kuid numbers.
Angry with Auran
Gary Evans
Rest assured, Gary, even if I wanted to, it is impossible for us to amend or change the config file before (or after) the asset is uploaded. We just simply cannot see it or access it. The only thisngs we can change are the asset name and description.

Are you sure you uploaded the right version?
Hi Gary,

I am not sure whether you are talking about a Session ( the list on the right hand side of the Surveyor menu ) or a Scenario.

How ever if you edit the list of assets in a config.txt by hand in a route or session the changes are lost the next time you save the Route/Session.

This is only a guess but I assume the REAL list of assets is contained in the files we cannot read with a text editor and every time you save the Route/Session the real list is copied to the config.txt, in the process wiping out any manual changes?

Hope this helps,

I had no Idea

... somebody at Auran had rearranged the config list ... I fail to understand why Auran feels the need to rearrange a config file...
Gary Evans

I had no idea that Auran had that kind of time on their hands. I should get them to review and edit all my creations for me :D.
Please accept my sincere apologies. I have uploaded a couple dozen scenarios and nothing like this has ever happened before. When I received the config from my correspondent and realized it was drastically different than the config in my file I immediately assumed Auran had made some change in policy that was affecting scenario performance. Obviously a wrong assumption on my part. I should have corresponded with you at the helpdesk. However if I hadn't posted my note, visitors to the Forum would have been deprived of the riotous humor dispensed by those funky Forum comedians Mike10, Sourdough and Hot Box.

Now that everyone has razzed you (all in FUN I HOPE!!!), I just wanted to say that I and I'm sure many others have Enjoyed your scenarios!:D

I recently downloaded the scenario in question Iowa Local, and had quite a time getting it up and running. I finally found the culprit to be a "missing" invisible bogey. I have missing in quotes because it *may* have just been updated with a newer version, as I have found that to be a frequent problem also. (ie try to D/L missing asset, DLS says not available, find it has newer version with different KUID, d/l newer version, but TRS still says "missing", I then have to edit config.txt file of scenario and put newer version KUID in place...)

Anyway, just looked at my notes, and what I see were two issues with Iowa Local. First was KUID 76096:50599 was replaced by KUID2:76096:50000:1. Second was the missing INV bogey KUID 97212:50014 was updated to KUID2:97212:19000:1.

After I got those two figured out it seemed to load and run fine in TRS2004 SP4. I did not get all the way to the end, as I think I missed resetting a switch and derailed the passing freight :eek: !

I Have downloaded about 18 scenarios (not all yours) from here and there, and am in the process of going through them and getting them running for me. I was thinking of doing a "review" posting here on the forum, as to what I need to do to get each one up and running (and where I got the needed assets from). Was hoping to get this done over the weekend, but I just got the "dispatchers orders" AKA the "Honey Dew list", from SWMBO, and it's not looking good for this weekend (the review posting).

Anyway, keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing more from you (BWL stuff was VERY good! hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge!;) :) )