Instructions for use


New member
I cannot for the life of me grasp CMP.I like Trainz Objects much better.Does anyone know where one can find a more detailed explanation of CMP on what everything is and does?The help file I've read over 3 times and still can't follow it.Like for instance what is the difference between "all" and "installed".If you install something and it has missing dependencies,where is the list of items missing?I have all I want saved on disks, so I can get them there but I don't know where to find where it says whats missing.Does that make sense?Also what is comitting?
1 - Not entirely sure about what commiting is, I do know that it is best to do so before using an item. I have noticed I can see non-routes in TC that are not commited but I don't do anything with them.
2 - When looking at a CMP list, if an item has a yellow-looking icon with question mark next to it, it is missing something. Easiest way is to right-click an item and choose View Dependencies. The box that comes up can be resized larger and will show 3 types of items required: a) Installed, b) On DLS and c) Missing.
3 - I would presume All includes both DLS and Installed where Installed only has that. I have noted that My Content does include items under my kuid from TRS2004 that I have not put into Classics so if you have another TRS and content of yours in it you didn't put into 2006/TC, it will show in My Content, possibly All too. I have never used All.
I agree the help is not comprehensive.
All - (almost) all assets available from the DLS plus anything you have made locally or downloaded from other non-Trainz asset hosters
Installed - assets you have installed on your local machine either out-of-the-box or ones you have downloaded (installed assets have a laptop shaped icon [will be yellow if out-of-the-box], assets not yet downloaded from Trainz have a DS icon)
Assets with missing dependencies have a yellow jigsaw and question mark icon. Right click and select 'view dependencies' for information about missing assets.
Committing is saving assets that have been open for edit back to the database. Non-committed assets are not visible inside Trainz. Assets open for edit have a folder in ..Auran/TRS200.../editing path
Finding missing assets is a vast subject so a few tips only for now:
- they may be on the download station but for some reason CMP doesn't know about them - search the DLS directly.
- they may be on other web sites, try searching the forums for the kuid or if not found try posting a request
- they may no longer be available, most frustrating I know but some creators upload to the DLS and later remove stuff, in the meantime it may have been used in a route that also gets uploaded to the DLS so anyone downloading that route that hadn't previously downloaded the now removed asset will have a missing dependency they can't resolve unless they ask someone else to supply it.

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Thanks for all the information.I'll figure this out one way or the other.What you guys said sure is going to help.
I just checked out Mikes link and it is pretty good.That should come with the game on the disc.Thanks again.