Imported assets not in list


New member

I imported an archive of assets I had in my prev installation. They show up in my layout but don't show up in my list of item to add. If I use get item I can then place a new instance of it however... Would this have something to do with the trainz build number in the configuration file?

also the only way I could get my old route to show in the routes menu was to use "view in surveyor" then save as to create a new instance of it in cmp...
MYou most likely need to disable Favourites. I do not know why this is enabled in a new install; it is ridiculous and causes many people trouble.

There are two places to do this.

1. Main Menu --> Options, then make sure the box for 'Show only favourite content' is NOT ticked.
2. Gold star above the routes menu. Click on it to turn it off and show all installed routes.

Also check for any 'Open for Edit". I found it best to do a QDR as well after importing an archive.