When i try to put pics on image shak i push the upload button and half an hour later(i timed it) it still wasn't uploading...It just said loading over and over again.
When you save your Screenies you should click "Save As" then you get a drop down list of the File Types your PC can save as - you must save as JPEG.You also ought to look at the "Resize Image" tab.AND right click on the Screenie and check "Properties" to see how large it is - if its something like "2.6 MB" you"re wasting your time.I used to use Photobucket but it stopped working.Then my PC crashed and after I reinstalled PB worked again.Then it stopped working.I"ve now switched to Imageshack and (even though I"m on Dialup) it works perfectly.
If you are taking the screenshots from within Trainz more than likely the pictures are in .tga format and if that's the case then you'll need to convert them to .jpg in order for the image hosting sites to accept them.