Veteran but blossoming

I'm staying! :hehe:
:'( I've decided that (after a long debate with my croco pet), and wish to tell you, your parents, your wives and husbands, your friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, relatives and known pets in these times when the fashion seems to be leaving, parting, departing, splitting, divorcing, chopping, sectioning, quitting, resigning, dividing, deserting, running away, scattering, evading, bla blah blah.

Yes, this is a free guestbook thread for those who want to stay in...

:hehe:Those who sign in will get a free virtual copy of the celebrated "Stayin' Alive" tune by the Bee Gees... :hehe:

Take care and have fun by staying alive, guys!
Alberte :wave:
Please, be merciful with this little joke :hehe:
Alberte :wave:
Please, be merciful with this little joke :hehe:
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