Q quakers1 Stuck With a Bad Username Aug 15, 2007 #1 Everyone says to take screenshots by hitting "print screen". I can't find that button! Can anyone help me? -quakers1
Everyone says to take screenshots by hitting "print screen". I can't find that button! Can anyone help me? -quakers1
M Michael_Evans thread killer Aug 15, 2007 #2 It's the button to the left of scroll lock prt scr sysrq
A aradlaw TRS04-06-TC-09 Aug 15, 2007 #3 On most keyboards the prt scr button is between the scroll lock and the pause/break keys.
M Michael_Evans thread killer Aug 15, 2007 #4 aradlaw said: On most keyboards the prt scr button is between the scroll lock and the pause/break keys. Click to expand... If that's the case then my keybroad must be screwed up :hehe:
aradlaw said: On most keyboards the prt scr button is between the scroll lock and the pause/break keys. Click to expand... If that's the case then my keybroad must be screwed up :hehe:
Q quakers1 Stuck With a Bad Username Aug 15, 2007 #5 I got the shots, but I ain't got a clue how to convert the m to .jpg files. -quakers1
M Michael_Evans thread killer Aug 15, 2007 #6 I had the same problem last week, here's how to fix it http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=14465
I had the same problem last week, here's how to fix it http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=14465