I'm Having a bad case of "Stupid" Cant understand the problem on paulhobbs light

I'm Having a bad case of "Stupid" Cant understand the problem on paulhobbs light

Hi all

One kuid is making many great locos not work (Faulty dependency)
It is kuid2:44090:620:41 , Locomotive headlamp NON GWR. Says it is missing the Texture .txt file

I am fairly sure I have all of the needed texture group needed.
Can anyone throw me a clue how to fix this???
Betwixt in MI
The: kuid2: 44090: 620: 41, is internal both in Tane and in 2019, and it has no errors, if it is wrong it is because it has been manipulated or modified, return the kuid to its original state or rebuild the database.