If You're In The Philadelphia Area


Great news!

I will be in the Philadelphia Daily News possibly on Monday. As it stands right now it's set for Monday.

They are doing a follow up story on my life. It should also be accessible through the web too on www.philly.com

I hope you all take the time to read it!
Philadelpia Area

Hi Jaleel how are you and I just hear that they are making an article about you good luck with that and maybe we will see each other again. Mario :)
Jaleel, I'll be home this Monday. Don't recall if I ever bought a copy of the News but I'll try to pick one up. All the best.

Bob Pearson
Great news!

I will be in the Philadelphia Daily News possibly on Monday. As it stands right now it's set for Monday.

They are doing a follow up story on my life. It should also be accessible through the web too on www.philly.com

I hope you all take the time to read it!


You mean they did one before?
Yes, that's the Jaleel I remember from the Philly NMRA convention this past summer :D Unfortunately, to view the actual story you have to subscribe to the paper online :( Way to Go Jaleel !
Yeah, you can read the story without registering, cos I just did.

Jaleel, you're an inspiration mate.
A very moving story, and one that shows great strength of character.

Here's hoping that things continue on the up for you, and that someone snaps up the film rights for your story. :)

And to think more than 4 years ago I was scrounging spline GMax files off a celebrity and I didn't know it. :D

All the best mate,
Hi Jaleel

All I can say is wow! How you've managed to triumph is a story that should be told everywhere. We all have our own problems to deal with, but when I read your story, it shows that no matter what the set backs, if you have the right attitude, you can succeed anywhere.

Thanks for letting us into your life.

Thank for the heads up, Jaleel ... it is there now, the link seemed to be blank this morning at 4:30.
You know, I can just picture you up in that tree :cool:

Take care.
Jaleel, I knew you were special the first time I ever ran across you on the old forum way back when. I just didn't know how special. WOW. You are an inspiration!:D
Since Jaleel already has his picture on the front page, I thought I would share a couple of pics taken at the NMRA convention last summer..


Mario (firemanMRP), Lance, Mr. Den and Jaleel

Great article and way cool you made the front page!!

nice pics of the man himself.

just out of interest, where was NMRA last year?

