IF I get TANE are these specs suitable?


Since 09 May 2003
IF (note if) I get TANE, are these suitable specs, and are these minimum, recommended or above recommended?

Win 10 64-bit
Intel Core i7-6700HQ CP @ 2.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.6GHz (whatever that line means)
8030 MB RAM
Page File: 5657MB, 3653MB available (again whatever that line means)
DirectX: 12
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I take it we are talking about a laptop here, so you will be limited by the graphics cards capabilities - don't expect to run a 1000 board detailed route on the machine but you should get decent performance with smaller routes or when building in Surveyor.

There is a thread on the forums where N3V are commenting on the suitability of specs on a per user basis - best if you post your question there.
That machine should handle T:ANE fine as shown. You may not want to boost the graphics up 100% full stops, but mid-settings should be fine.

If you can see if you can increase the RAM (memory DIMM), doubling that is a good place to be, and ensure there's plenty of disk space. The latest thing manufacturers have been doing is putting out great-looking machines, but using a paltry 120 GB or smaller boot SSD, though there's a much larger hard disk in some machines. I ran into that recently with a new Alienware I purchased. Yes, they did the same with that too and I ended up going through the purchase process twice to ensure I had enough of a boot SSD to hold my programs. The next size up I got was a 512GB, which is fine. You don't have to go that big if you don't want to.

The new Skylake (6700-series) CPUs use Turbo Boost (tm) to go faster. The speed shown is the base clock. When the CPU decides to "Turbo" up to a faster clock, beats the heck out of me.
NO! Could have with the bigger screen - had to compromise though.

Yup. I understand.

I ran into that with the Alienware. The only way to get a faster CPU, though mine is quite fast, I could only get it with the 4K display. Given that the cost jumped exponentially, and the fact that even with a 1980 x 1080 display the fonts and other text is ant size, I stayed with the 1980 x 1080 resolution.
IF (note if) I get TANE, are these suitable specs, and are these minimum, recommended or above recommended?

Win 10 64-bit
Intel Core i7-6700HQ CP @ 2.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.6GHz (whatever that line means)
8030 MB RAM
Page File: 5657MB, 3653MB available (again whatever that line means)
DirectX: 12

Included in the specs & title is the word "gaming".

Are they in invisible pixels ? :p :) .
Does your system meet or exceed this:

Minimum Specification
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
Memory: 4GB
Graphics: 1GB VRam with DirectX 11 Support
Processor: Intel I/AMD K10 Series 2GHz 64Bit Processor
Hard Drive: 30GB Free Space
General: Win 8 and Win 10 also supported.

Note, I copied and pasted that from the N3V store page for TANE.
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Are they in invisible pixels ? :p :) .
Huhhh?? Please explain.

Dose your system meet or exceed this:
I presume you mean "does"

Minimum Specification
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
Memory: 4GB
Graphics: 1GB VRam with DirectX 11 Support
Processor: Intel I/AMD K10 Series 2GHz 64Bit Processor
Hard Drive: 30GB Free Space
General: Win 8 and Win 10 also supported.

For Win 10 = Most likely, but the processor is:-
Intel Core i7-6700HQ CP @ 2.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
Not sure if that's better or lower thatn what you've copied.

For Win 7 = I'm not sure.
Processor is well over the recommended, GPU as it's a mobile and currently bottom of the 9XX series will probably work but not sure how well, the 960M appears to be OK according to a couple of posts on here, not seen anything about the 950M though.
I'd only suggest an increase of RAM, from 8GB to 16GB or more. You will be happier with performance, and lack of slowness. Should perform pretty good, since it is the more modern laptop than a couple years ago, when T:ANE first came out. Be sure you have the LATEST build installed, it will perform best.
For Win 10 = Most likely, but the processor is:-
Intel Core i7-6700HQ CP @ 2.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
Not sure if that's better for lower thatn what you've copied.

For Win 7 = I'm not sure.

Ok, lets break this down. Which is a bigger number? 2.60GHz or 2.0GHz?

Hint, 2.60 is bigger than 2.

When talking computer hardware, the only time low numbers are good is when its the temperature and the price.
Ok, lets break this down. Which is a bigger number? 2.60GHz or 2.0GHz?

Hint, 2.60 is bigger than 2.

When talking computer hardware, the only time low numbers are good is when its the temperature and the price.
Also in terms of response and latency.
..Included in the specs & title is the word "gaming" ...

Are they in invisible pixels ? :p :) .

...Huhhh?? Please explain...

I don't see the word gaming in any post so where did that come from ?:).

Anyway you should get reasonable performance provided you don't try to run huge or ultra detailed routes. It will be fine for creating routes in Surveyor or making assets using Blender/GIMP (both free).

I don't see the word gaming in any post so where did that come from ?:).
The word "gaming" is in the computer title.

Is Specs 2-2 be a concern if it would play or not?

Green text = Same or above minimum specs
Red text = Not sure if it will play, or can't find the specs.
Specs 1
1. Win 10 64-bit
2. Core i7-6700HQ CP @ 2.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
3. 8030 MB RAM
4. Page File: 5657MB, 3653MB available
5. DirectX: 12
6. NVIDEA GEForce GTX 950M
Specs 2
1. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit (6.1 Build 7601)
2. Intel (R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
3. 8192MB RAM
4. Page File: 1,745MB used 14,597MB available
5. DirectX: 11
6. This time I can't find the graphics detail

Game Specs
1. Windows 7 64-Bit
2. Intel i/AMD K10 Series 2GHz 64Bit Processor
3. 4GB

5. 1GB VRam with DirectX 11 Support
6. Can't find the specs for the graphics card
The machines look good overall, Red as I said before. The biggest concern I have is heat with these machines. Even my Alienware gets a bit toasty when running T:ANE and even Cities Skylines when in full swing. To preserve the lifetime of my investment, I got one of those cooler pads with fans in them. It was pretty inexpensive, about $30 if that at BestBuy. There are various brands including Targus, which I got.

JCitron, Specs 2 is for a desktop.

If you have space for a desktop you will always get a better machine for your money. Laptops always command a higher price because they have to miniaturise components and heat is a problem. When laptops first arrived they were designed for businessmen on the move where a time = money balance had to be achieved. Nowadays lots of people have laptops because they have nowhere to house a full PC, they are not ideal but far better than nothing !

My 3 year old desktop specs are below, it will still run anything I throw at it - I'm running 4 screens off the graphics card.

I don't have the laptop specs readily to hand and (bearing in mind it's 0135 am here I'm not going looking for them !) but it's an ASUS with an i5 processor, 8GB ram, 1 Tb HD, and an IBM badged graphics card running win 10. This machine is great for content creation and for smaller routes.

I would go for a desktop every time if you are really going to make Trainz a hobby.

My main PC specs:

GPU Geforce GTX670
i7 3770k @ 3.5 GHz
32.00 GB RAM
Resolution 2560 x 1440 59Hz
Win 7 Pro.