Hunting for 40's, 50's, and 60's US Passenger Equipment


Well-known member
Hi all,

I have been modeling some mid-20th century-era passenger trains from the US. On the DLS, there are packs that cover famous streamliner-era name trains such as the "Empire Builder," "City of Los Angeles," "20th Century Limited," and the "Panama Limited" in full detail, authored by many good folks, including individuals such as Diecastgalore and Magicland. I am highly aware of the existence of these freeware masterpieces available for Trainz, and appreciate the time and effort the content creators put into these little gems.:Y:

A name commonly discussed around these parts is Landrvr1 - the creator of some top-notch EMD E- and F-series diesels, and a few Baldwins as well. He also had authored some highly-detailed streamlined passenger trainsets, one of which is available on the DLS (The Pioneer Zephyr.) Many people had obtained his content when it was still available, and distribution of it is conducted by e-mail, in accordance with his license. It is easy to send an email, the problem is that chance of getting a reply is unpredictable.:confused:

I am not to be the bearer of the title of "gimme pig," instead I am a courteous and honest individual who appreciates what he's got available.:)

Any info that can assist me in the right direction for obtaining some of this excellent content and/or any suggestions for what to find regarding streamlined equipment is appreciated.
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CloakedGhost made some and so did Magicland. Their content might be available on the DLS, but I'm not sure.

For some of this stuff, check Trainz Pro Routes. You need to sign up, but the downloads are free.
Magicland created the Panama Limited and 20th Century Limited trainsets, and Cloakedghost authored some ATSF stainless steel cars that can be used as an alternative to the default Super Chief set.

Specifically, what passenger equipment can I find on TPR that is of note? I have an account there.
Magicland created the Panama Limited and 20th Century Limited trainsets, and Cloakedghost authored some ATSF stainless steel cars that can be used as an alternative to the default Super Chief set.

Specifically, what passenger equipment can I find on TPR that is of note? I have an account there.

I don't know specifically, but look for older style Budd cars, clerestory roofed equipment, vestibule ends, etc. Magicland made a ton of passenger cars like that in various roadnames.
I figure that a reskin of some of Magicland's or diecastgalore's streamlined passenger stock can create a passenger-enabled Broadway Limited train set. Magicland once did a payware trainset that covers a typical post-WW2 BL consist, but that was a long time ago. The ATSF through-sleeper and a streamlined PRR chair car are available from the DLS, and so is the observation car. I got the BM70M RPO from a payware pack sold at K&L Trainz.