how to reset train locations when testing


since 10 Aug 2002
While testing a new route, I will often have to make edits as the trains traverse various parts of the map and discover anomalies that need fixing.
The session rules can be reset to the starting configuration. But how can I put all the trains back to their starting positions otherwise the rules will not snyc with the actual locations of the trains?
Not certain exactly what you will be editing but for edits to the route only my method is to save the starting point of each section being tested as a new Session (assuming all the consists are in a session layer). After stopping the session to fix a problem, a route error, I save the route but not the session. I reload the route and session at its current starting point and continue. When all the edits for that section are completed, I save the route AND session to create a new session starting point and continue from that point.

For session edits it can be more complex but usually I reload the original route and session, make the session edits, and start Driver again from the beginning often holding down the Shift key to speed up the running.
Thanks for the ideas. Will have to be a bit more methodical with my sessions.
As for edits, it's amazing how many little things become obvious when you're in the driver's seat, things that I didn't notice in Surveyor.
On a related topic, I find the "Drive" command very useful when testing the integrity of a section of track and I don't want to go through the work of placing destinations and issuing specific instructions to the drivers. Unlike in DCC mode, the drivers will obey signals in "Drive" and will change switch directions when necessary. However, sometimes the existing drivers will continue from one session to the next time and sometimes they forget and just wait for me to start them with a new "Drive" command. Any idea why the amnesia?
Drive is not stored like other commands, it is a one-off command. When exiting the memory clears. It is the same if you interrupt the train during drive. It is not a stored command in session memory.
Ah, since a session in S2.0 never really ends, it is paused until the route is closed, the drivers are still doing their thing, i.e. "Drive"
When I click on Save As I get two options:
  • Save new route and session
  • Save new session
but the second option is greyed out and no matter how often I click on that option, it doesn't become available.

Only by selecting Save do I get two options and three sub options
  • Save new route and session
  • Overwrite existing route and:
  • Do not save session
  • Overwrite existing session
  • Create new session
The last option is what I want. Why is the Save As not working? WIP?
When I click on Save As I get two options:
  • Save new route and session
  • Save new session
but the second option is greyed out and no matter how often I click on that option, it doesn't become available.
You didn't say what you were editing and if it was in the route or the session.

I just ran a simple test.

I loaded a route and a session into Surveyor 2.0
  1. I made sure that the session-layer was the active layer in the Layers Palette
  2. I added a scenery object
  3. I selected Save As from the main top menu
The options
  • Save new route and session
  • Save new session
appeared and were both available for selection.

This is exactly what I would expect as I had edited the Session. I exited without saving.

I restarted the test by loading the same route and a session into Surveyor 2.0
  1. I made sure that the route-layer was the active layer in the Layers Palette
  2. I added a scenery object
  3. I selected Save As from the main top menu
The options
  • Save new route and session
  • Save new session
appeared but only the Save new route and session was available for selection. The Save new session was greyed out.

This is exactly what I would expect to happen as I had edited the route and not the session.
aha, now it makes sense, My first attempt was to just create a new session to keep as a baseline for future testing. Thought I could just make a new session without any change. By adding a new traincar and deleting it, both options become available.
trainz members:
It is still a bit confusing when saving routes and sessions.
Saving a Route and Session has an option that saves the route as named and also a "- default" session.
I have saved a complex session with the - default extension to the route and it works well in driver mode.
So what is this defaults extensions purpose ?
Mike Davies
If you create a new route or open only the route for edit a default session is created. Trainz won't run without a session being available. It is best to change the default name to that of the route if you intend to keep the session. It is very easy to edit the route only and then save the route and session and the session overwrites your working default session.
I always rename the first default session to something that's easily found and associated with the route such as Route-Name --- Daily Operations version and date.

It would be nice if we could rename routes, sessions, and objects in Content Manager instead of editing config.txt files.

It would be nice too if there was a less manual way of restoring backups, but then again there are many more things besides these that no one except us care about I suppose.
Have to remember that routes and sessions have a one to many relationship - each route must have at least one session but can have more than one associated with the route but each session can only be associated with one route. If a route is started without a session, Trainz will automatically create a default session using the route name but you can rename it to something more meaningful.

You might want more than one session if each one has a different purpose. One for morning operations, one for historical operations, one for something else, but all using the same route. If any trains, buildings or other scenery are in the session, they will only show when that session is loaded. When I start a map, I always select an appropriate session, usually the default, even if I plan on editing the route itself. By leaving the session layer locked, I don't accidentally place anything in the session while changing things in the route and thus avoiding the question of where is the stuff I know is supposed to be there but is actually in another session.