How to remove baseboards


Well-known member
How do you remove baseboards from a layout. The dig hole did not seam to do what i wanted, and only cut holes in small parts. I want to remove large parts that a not used. Thanks.
Go to the 'Topology F1' tab on the top right.
look down to the Advanced tab, then one line above, you'll see a rectangle with an arrow pointing down. That adds baseboards.
So further right you'll see a rectangle with an arrow up, ... that one deletes baseboards. Click on it first, then point your mouse on the relative baseboard and click again.
Once it's deleted, you can't get it back. Sometimes it's a good idea to save a duplicate file of your route first just in case, you click the wrong one.
Cheers, Roy
Very soon we'll be able to say, "In Surveyor 2.0, drag the marquee tool over any size area and add or delete multiple boards at once."