How to get an image of entire map?


New member

I'm trying to use Trainz to get an overhead image of a railyard. So I've found a suitable map (Selkirk), and I'd like to find a way to get an image of it. The problem is, that the camera doesn't zoom out far enough to get an overhead view of the entire yard, and I need a picture of the entire yard. Is there a piece of software, or some type of screenshot trick I can use to piece together many pictures and get a very-high-up point of view of the railyard?

Any help is appreciated and welcomed!
In surveyor (if you use 06) press Alt+U and aim the mouse upwards and press forward, instant full yard shot when you get high enough :D

In Surveyor try Alt+FLY and then 'Page Up'. I can get pretty far out with that. I also have the draw distance tweeked out using TrainzTuner, not sure if that helps or not.....

Andy :)
You could also take several shots at constant height but each shot centered over a different area. The use something like Paint Shop Pro to paste all the screenshots together in a mosiac (or is that montage?).


I vote for Trainz Map.

You get all the track, and can edit things like switch lever types, and juction names.

You can also print it out.

Another way, is focus the yard in Driver, and screenshot the pic.
jerwest --

Is this what you are trying to do?


If so, I use a screen capture utility called PrintScreen (there are many other freeware applications that do this) with TrainzMap to capture a rectangular area, import that into CorelDraw, add text and save as a .jpg file.

In Surveyor try Alt+FLY and then 'Page Up'. I can get pretty far out with that. I also have the draw distance tweeked out using TrainzTuner, not sure if that helps or not.....

Andy :)

I remember reading about Alt+Fly somewhere, but can't seem to find it now. Which key is the Fly key?
Press and hold [ALT] while typing the letters [F] [L] [Y].

To make a screenshot in Windows, press [Print] for the entire screen or [Alt]+[Print] for the currently selected window. The screenshot goes to the clipboard. Paste it into the your image processing programme (usually [Ctrl]+V) for further handling.