How do you run your route?


New member
Ok guys. I have the route i like, Ultramegaroute. I am making some tweaks here and there and am putting all my consists in place throughout the map.

One i have all my trains in place, and there is a bunch of em, then i want to start "running" the railroad. Im not much on driving individual trains on one mission. Im more of a muli tasker and like to have a few trains running at the same time. Like 6 or 8 of them. Then move from train to train and do some switching as necessary. Not so much a scenario in as much a actual ongoing running railroad.

How do you guys run your railroad? do you try to fullfil the waybills as they come up? If thats the case how do you track all of them? The system needs to be able to have more input and be able to ck off the ones you are working on. Almost like you need to write them down and keep track of what train is handling them. How do you keep track of all of your trains?

I guess being a business man and hooked on logistics i look at this like running a business. Trying to not run dead head loads and combining trains together to be efficient is a challenge.
I like running only a few trainz, sometimes sticking with one for the whole trip.
I follow the waybills as they come up, so I like to have only a few waybill industries on the line.

:cool: Claude
On Ultramegaroute the waybills come on pretty fast and furious. There are probably 70 industries. Fortunetly there are only about 15 commodities so it makes it a little easier. Its also fortunate that the waybill doesnt put a timeframe on the darn things to get there as it would probably be impossible to get to everything on time.

Just wish the waybill system was a little more flexible. Like if we could ad content to them and assign a train to that waybil so we could keep track of it all. I need to hire a secretary.....(my twin 9 year old daughters) to keep track of the trains. :D

I'm gonna have to agree with the OP here; I am all about keeping multiple trains running smoothly and efficiently. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a route that quite satisfies my tastes in this area (although I'm sure it's mainly due to me not looking enough :cool:) so I'm in the process of designing my own layout that should really keep me busy. When finished I intend for the layout to have about 15-20 trains running at any given time, in addition to mainline trains being spewed forth by portals on either end of the layout that simply pass through the whole route and disappear.

Managing that ought to be a real chore, but then again, that's just how I want it :cool:
Depends of the layot a bit

Lately I like doing the old model Railway/Road thing of just driving trains normally passengers from point to point in a relasitic way, I'm a bit over the waybill thing at the moment.

But with SSRL and Clear lake I like to run the great senarions that are around.

Lately I like doing the old model Railway/Road thing of just driving trains normally passengers from point to point in a relasitic way, I'm a bit over the waybill thing at the moment.

But with SSRL and Clear lake I like to run the great senarions that are around.


Yeah its tough to keep track of it all. Im trying to organize the map a little but right now im flying by the seat of my pants just trying to fulfill waybills. The harder i work at it the less that gets done. I end up just filling up industries and trying to keep them running.

Ran into a issue today. No logs, therefore no woodchips therefore no general goods..etc. Domino effect. I ran my log wagons off the tracks...:sleep: think i fell asleep at the controls...

Its tough to keep up with the general goods needs and i think i could have 10 container trains running with 100 cars each and it would not be enough.

I think tomorrow i may take one town at a time and try and get it set up and running, then go to the next one. One thing this layout is missing is a large yard to organize the consists. i may ad one.
I'm gonna have to agree with the OP here; I am all about keeping multiple trains running smoothly and efficiently. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a route that quite satisfies my tastes in this area (although I'm sure it's mainly due to me not looking enough :cool:) so I'm in the process of designing my own layout that should really keep me busy. When finished I intend for the layout to have about 15-20 trains running at any given time, in addition to mainline trains being spewed forth by portals on either end of the layout that simply pass through the whole route and disappear.

Managing that ought to be a real chore, but then again, that's just how I want it :cool:

I am building my own route for the OPs too. For some reason I like dispatching trains more than actually running them. I am building my fictious road the Gorre Canyon, loosely based on the Rio Grande through Colorado. Single track with passing sidings.
I really like how easy it is to build a route in Trainz as opposed to MSTS. After an hour I had a working layout...a very poor layout, but a layout none the less.
I am building my fictious road the Gorre Canyon, loosely based on the Rio Grande through Colorado.

I think we could get along very well

I found this article about running the different kinds of freight and found it pretty easy reading on running a prototype railroad.

The Ultramegaroute has everything that i am looking for with the exception of a couple of sizable yards. I am looking at either merging some yards onto it or adding my own (this would be my first attempt at "building anything" on the game so im a little leary) but ive also heard that there are problems with merging routes and i dont want to screw up the one that i have.
I run very oddly. I run only 1 train at a time to stay ahead of the accidents, but I'm also running steam, so. I also try and stay up with waybills, which is fairly hard since my NG has to keep up with the SG appetite.
Ive been making up a spreadsheet of my layout that has all the industries, what they recieve and put out, and where they are. I think there are about 100 industries on the map so it gets a little confusing.

I need to ad a couple of sizable yards to the layout but merging is not an option since the merge system has issues. Im off to laying some track (first time at this) to see if i can put some together. Then i should be able to start staging my trains a little better.