How do i make a .cdp file?

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Trainz Veteran
can i please have some instructions on how to make a .cdp file. The file i want to put into a .cdp file is a train. I'm sorry if it is in the wrong forum. Also i have TRS2004.

Thanks in advance Eric

P.S. can i have easy to understand instructions
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hi Eric

Its easy.

You need the Content Dispatcher.

Click on it and then hit the button ADD ASSET

A list will be displayed, you then select the item(s) you want in your CDP one at a time.

Then click on the SAVE PACKAGE and give it a name that you will understand

And hey presto you will have created a CDP

Of course all the KUID's will have to be owned by you and your KUID
Have you exported yout models into Trainz ??

They should be in Custom folder, thats where most content goes that you create
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