How can I turn rolling stock/locos into static objects?


Routelayer Ordinaire...
Hello All,

I was it possible to take a loco or a piece of rolling stock and turn it into a static object? Some people have made some awesome items, such as planes, trucks, etc...but I'd rather just have them as objects in my route. :)

What steps would I have to do? Could someone guide me on this? :)


Gisa ^^
Clone the item.
Delete everything except the config.txt file and the body folder.
Copy the contents of the body folder into the main folder.
Delete the body folder.
Edit the config.txt file to look like a scenery item (see the TRS2006 CCG for help).
If the object uses LOD, delete all meshes except the main one.
This method will only give you the body of the rolling stock, not the bogeys.

Thanks for the reply rweber95,

I am running trs2004 but I just realized a simpler solution: just use invisible track. :D Most of the things I want to place as objects are planes that would just sit there, so if I place some invisible track, everything will work out perfectly. :D

Thanks for the help though: I'm sure someone else will want to do this for something else someday though.

Gisa ^^
Actually, whitepass I believe has some static rolling stock on DLS.
1 Boxcar 58422:24001
1 Gondola 58422:24008
1 Wood Reefer 58422:24009
You could look at how the config files are set up as a guideline on what to change in a cloned item config. That might work.
Now uploading cloned items is another subject, requiring the usual.