Highland Valley in TRS2010 (Screenshot Thread II)

Yep, once all three versions are complete and with all the flaws removed (that I can manage, haha).

@ Paul: Yeah, haha, I get a little lazy with your other pieces in that regard

Wasn't meant as a criticism, except of myself (g). Finally figuring out how to replace the pre-TS2009 default road number system with simple scripting (not ARN), and the MN FL9s were the first (even simpler) example. If I want my rolling stock to show numbers when users don't set them manually, it's my responsibility to make it happen.
Very cool... are you still working on the 2nd version or is this the 3rd version now?
And looks awesome. When do you think it will be on the DLS (3 months, 3 years, 3 centuries, etc.)?
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As soon as they come out i'm downloading them all but the STEAM ERA comes first on my download list. How bad is lag.
I'm still alive! And so is Highland, so no worries! Things have been rolling along, just at a temporary speed restriction (I am sooo not sorry for the pun!). Right now I'm wrapping up detailing Lumby, which is more of a process than I expected, haha. The station's almost done, and now looks as busy as it should. The engine facility is almost done as well, just needs some more filler. The city itself still needs cars and street lights and the usual odds and ends to give it character. For those interested in trolleys and interurbans, I've built a museum with a short running track to just outside of town and a connection to the mainline. The route's not dead, I've just been busy with life. I do have a couple train adventures comming up, so maybe I'll get some inspiration... this Friday I'll be riding the length of the Harlem Line from Wassaic on down to GCT to spend the day in the Big Apple, visiting the NYC Transit Museum, the High Line, and walking up to the Intrepid (passing the Hudson Rail Yards along the way, of course!), and having supper at Bubba Gump's before heading home. And in a couple weeks I'll be taking my usual journey north to Saratoga on Amtrak Train 69 "The Adirondack" and catching "The Ethan Allen" home. I booked my trip on 69 for the first weekend of "Ocean View"'s Fall gig on the Hudson, so I'm pretty excited to ride in my first dome (and the last in Amtrak service). If I'm feeing ambitious during the holiday this weekend (Monday off counts as the weekend, FYI, haha), I'll try to wrap things up and do a screenshot-essay.
Ok, I don't usually do this, but here's proof that I've been getting something done, haha. I just took this in Surveyor and wanted to get a breather for a minute. If you compare to the screens of the "New Haven Image" Lumby, then you can see why this has taken so long.


Yep, just a short stretch of street running, nothing too spectacular, haha. It's for a trolley museum that can be seen further up on the left, which includes the car barn and siding from the original streetcar route that ran into the city, and an upgraded station. The main train station for the city has been upgraded from 4 to 5 tracks to accomodate a shuttle platform which required laying a third track to the main approach. The yard has been upgraded with new engine facilities to accomodate ACMU EMU sets and a tower was added to monitor traffic within the station and to the junction. A storage track has been added for the trolley museum which can be accessed by the mainline, a stub of which can be seen on the bottom right of the screen.

I really don't wanna give anything else away, I'm really gonna try to have story time this weekend to cover what's been done to this section of the map. :cool:
A Sneak Peek

Howdy Folks,

I've actually managed to make the area I'm working on slightly more presentable, so I figured I'd take a few teaser shots... no story, but enough to get a few of you drooling again. I'm going to bed after this and will be spending all day in NYC tomorrow, so if I don't reply right away, no worries, haha.

I hope everyone enjoys and as always, I appreciate the comments!







Sorry to bump again but how is it going? I would ask about the route but with the superstorm and all, i figured i check.
I'm still alive and well haha. You may not hear much from me but I still pop in atleast once a day. I haven't had much time to work on the route but it's safe and sound. Work slows down this time of year so I'll be sure to tinker with it a bit more, although in the immediate future I plan to be pretty intimate with my Xbox with Halo comming out, plus the new Black Ops, haha. I haven't lost interest and this isn't vaporware, I'm just in the mood for my other interests.
Meh, understandable: we all have a life outside trainz, you know (well, everybody except me! :hehe: ) I tend to have 2-3 routes in the WIP stage at any one time, just so I if I get bored working on one, I can start tinkering with another.
Weekend Morning in Lumby

Hey folks,

Sorry it's been awhile, I've been pretty swamped outside of Trainz, but as promised, the route is not dead. So here's a quickie with some nice sky shots showing off the usual equipment that hangs around Lumby on weekend layovers. As a refresher, Lumby serves as a major junction in Highland Valley. It's where Metro-North trains from Croton terminate, where Amtrak trains from Connecticut, Highland, New York, and points north converge, and is an interchange point for both freight and equipment moves. Within Lumby is a streetcar and light electric railway museum, as well as maintenance facilities operated jointly by Amtrak and a very young Metro-North (however the facilities are switched by Amtrak units). So please sit back and enjoy...

It's almost 6AM on a Sunday, and the small city of Lumby is just starting to wake up on this quiet morning. While the city is starting to awaken, the railroads that serve it are simply starting up again from a brief lapse of activity. At the station we find an MTA commuter train ready to be pushed by a McGinnis FL9 over the Fox Brook Branch and into Croton before bringing passengers into New York City for a lazy Sunday in the "Big Apple". Across the platform, on the shuttle track, a Conrail GE idles before performing chores around Lumby. The GE was dropped off by a freight from Cedar Hill the previous night, and the crew that has just signed on will use the unit on Conrail local "LUGR" (Pronounced "luger"), the LUmby to GReenwood freight that picks up empty fuel and supply cars from the Amtrak/MTA depot and loaded cars from the contractor's supply warehouse just outside the village.


At the shops, crews are just starting to sign on and prepare equipment for a quiet but steady Sunday. Outside we see a former New Haven EP5 "Jet" that is currently under the ownership of Amtrak and is not far from retirement. The EP5 is currently used on a high-speed service between New Haven and Lumby, however due to lack of ridership, the service may see the same fate as the EP5.


With the sharp and steady clang of it's bell accomponied by three sharp blasts of it's K5LA, an Amtrak F40 is backed out of the engine house and will eventually be brought to the fuel pad for filling up.


On the ready track, an elderly Amtrak GG1 stands ready to provide the power-change to the next diesel-powered train from points north via Greenwood. The GG1 will complete the train's journey into Connecticut.


Tucked in between the former Pennsy "power house" and a newer EMD cousin, an MTA FL9 rests with it's markers lit, on layover until one of it's brother ex-NH EMD's taps out from a busy day of runs in and out of Grand Central. In the meantime, the aging unit enjoys a brief period of rest as it "sleeps in" on this Sunday morning.


The usual power for the Stormont Connection Service, an Amtrak "Pepsi Can" fuels up before a steady day of bringing passengers up and down the Afton Branch.


Letting it's dual-mode stable mate handle services into the city for the day, an MTA ACMU set rests dormant within the EMU stable.


Behind the inspection building, the shop switchers idle away, awaiting their call to duty as needed.



An excavator frames the resting EMU-set, just outside the shop fence.


Weekend Morning in Lumby (Ctd...)

Outside the shops, behind the main buildings in the bushes, we see the unfortunate souls on the deadline. Amtrak E-Units still in their bright Phase I paint, an Amtrak GG1 in it's less than glamorous black paint, and a filthy and worn FL9 all await a future that is certain to be as dark as the paint on the former PRR electric.


Back at the station, the bulky blue GE begins it's duty as LUGR, running down the shuttle track to collect the loads from the warehouse, passing the control car of the MTA train that's being prepared to get shoved over the Fox Brook Branch and back onto home rails.




And with the departure of the first train of the day, the rest of the town wakes up.


Until next time, my friends!

- Jesse -
I must say this is a very nice spin on the Highland Valley route. But that first story of yours was like the end of steam was government controlled or something, very dark storyline there..........O.O Although I'm really liking this layout. As soon as I get Trainz up and going again (starting over from scratch) I will be releasing a few content pieces of my own.