High-Speed Rail Work will Cancel, Re-Route Amtrak Trains this Week

That's cool... :)

I wish they'd work on the Boston to Chicago segment though. The Lake Shore Limited goes by Late Shore Limited for obvious reasons.:confused:

Just what we need is more 110 mph high speed rail ... remember how that turned out at Frankford Junction, Phila PA

This is a bit different... Straight as an arrow to St. Louis, and the old B&A route to Boston is pretty straight across NYS through OH, and IN, to Chicago. The Mass side is a bit curved but his flatter and straighter than the B&M route farther north.

Massachusetts is looking for a HSR solution for the B&A line from Boston to Springfield. Running at speeds up to 110 mph will mean about an hour run instead to 2 it takes now, which is about the same as driving.

if it's faster than driving, more people will take it, increasing revenue and profit, so the railroad has more money for maintenance, so they can do more and improve it more.