Helpdesk Ticket

Just wondering.
How many months does it normally take to get a reply on a helpdesk ticket?

This doesn't sound right, Brian.

Check the queue and see if they responded and the message didn't reach your inbox. They've had trouble with the server on more than one occasion. If not bug them again by changing the priority of your message and editing it to bring it to the top.

Can take up to a week in busy periods should be around 48 hours though as John says check on-line mine usually end up in the spam folder.
My post was sort of tongue-in-cheek. :)
I said months because I wondered if that was what could happen. lol

I expect they're busy, and it's not really important (just the TS12 badge not showing on the forum), but I did notice is still says unassigned on the ticket.
Can't see where to change the priority or edit the post.

I did check my Email, but nothing in there.
And I did put it on normal priority, because it's just a little thing.

I'll give them a few more days.
It's not really important (or is it?) :)

Thanks guys,
Tongue and cheek can be a bit scary around here - someone with a sense of humor? :D

Unassigned means no one has looked yet. This post might jog their memory to look at it, and yeah they're kinda busy at the moment with all the other stuff that's been hitting the fan. (Heck this sounds like my old days at Oracle where I handled 350 tickets a month, then almost got fired because I couldn't keep up...). At any rate, there's a way to modify the ticket. I think by replying to it... I just checked on one of mine. You can't change the priority, but responding sends it to the top of the queue as it's now awaiting response.

As far as TS12 not showing up, this has been an issue since they changed from Planet Auran to My Trainz. Something is broke somewhere and I've seen it get fixed for some people eventually. I think in your case because you have so many versions showing up on your timeline no one noticed, otherwise you'd end up being harassed for not having a registered Trainz version. :)

Yeah, people around here can be very serious at times, but you got to have a sense of humour.
Life's too short!

I've just replied on my ticket, so we'll see if they notice it now.

Remember back to the early forum, where if people asked for help without a Trainz ticket showing their version, we'd all be very suspicious and ask them to register before we'd help them?
Ahh, the good old days!

Thanks John.
Thanks for the suggestion to bump the ticket by replying.
Seems to have done the trick.


It looks good now, you're finally official. No one is going to bug you about an unregistered Trainz version.

Some things here haven't changed...
