Advice will be appreciated as to how one gets a reply from the "Help Desk" on a non-technical matter.
Request for a refund of a duplicate order by which ever method was convenient to N3V (i.e by a credit for future purchases).
This request was acknowledged by N3V and they required information as to the two payments - this was provided - thereafter complete silence.
Am I being unreasonable to expect some acknowledgment after the original request 5th November and several follow-up tickets.
This thread will almost certainly be removed by a moderator - but what the heck !!
I feel very slightly better now !!
Request for a refund of a duplicate order by which ever method was convenient to N3V (i.e by a credit for future purchases).
This request was acknowledged by N3V and they required information as to the two payments - this was provided - thereafter complete silence.
Am I being unreasonable to expect some acknowledgment after the original request 5th November and several follow-up tickets.
This thread will almost certainly be removed by a moderator - but what the heck !!
I feel very slightly better now !!