Help needed for a newbie please


Active member
I have been using TRS2006 for about 4 weeks and have become totally hooked. During the past week I became aware of CMP crashing everytime that I was using it and on trying to close it down I was getting a dialogue box telling me the CMP had stopped responding. TRS2006 still worked but seemed to take a long time to load but has now stopped loading altogether. When I try to run the game I get the opening splash screen showing a hint/tip but the cog in the lower right hand corner of the screen does not turn and the game will not load. I have run defrag without any success. Any help would be appreciated please
Tried rebooting the PC but still get the same problem. Having read other threads I think that I have posted this in the wrong area? But hey, I am new to this. Lots of others seem to be having the same problem and there doesn't seem to be a recognised solution??
Open your Auran/2006 folder.
Thers a file called assets.tdx, delete it, restart Trainz.
Cmp will now use some minutes to rebuild the asset database,LET IT DO SO...
Also, check if you have any Faulty dependencies, and missing assets.
Every once and a while, reset your filters in cmp, In settings.

Hope this helps;)


EDIT: do you have SP1?
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Welcome to the world of trainz! You will never leave again! Mwahahahahahaha;)

An addition to caddylars's statement would be to delete the assets.bku file from the cache folder inside wherever you have saved trainz.

Hope this helps,
Thanks for the help. I have followed the advice and all seems to be working well again now thanks. I dont have SP1 as I wasnt aware of it until I had this problem and started checking the forum, I will be checking my build number and downloading it if its suitable for my version

Thanks again
It used to happen to me

It used to happen to me. Firstly, having SP1 helps. Secondly, I noticed that CMP and the game launcher doesn't close itself properly, it is still running in the background. Therefore, when you next go to open CMP or play Trainz, it gets confused because it is still technically open. CMP won't seem to work properly if the launcher is still running in the background.

What I have done (which has worked for a long time now) is go into program files - auran - trs2006 - bin. Make a shortcut on the desktop for 'ContentManager' and use this shortcut instead of going into the launcher menu, then CMP - as this opens CMP directly without opening the launcher.
Thanks, I'll try the shortcut option. I guess that means that I could launch CMP without the disc in the DVD drive?
Yes, but make sure you have the disc in the drive when launching the game afterwards though!
There are loads of sites to download almost anything from trainz, although most of it ends up on the DLS (download station) at some point or other.
What I have done (which has worked for a long time now) is go into program files - auran - trs2006 - bin. Make a shortcut on the desktop for 'ContentManager' and use this shortcut instead of going into the launcher menu, then CMP - as this opens CMP directly without opening the launcher.

Now why didn't you post this information a few weeks ago.......:hehe: :p

Thank you for this, I will try it out and hopefully it will cure the problem.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
Sorry but I have another question. I cannot understand whether or not SP1 is required for the version of TRS2006 that I am running, I have version 2.5 build 2773? There are many references to SP1 on the forums but I cant find a specific reference to which version of TRS2006 it will update??

Thanks, Andrew
Hi Andrew,

There are (unfortunately) a number of trainz build versions (like one for International, 1 fo Just Trainz etc). You need to find the one that matches your build number - since it's reporting 2.5 (2773) you do need the update.

The link is in the FAQ's but does take a few moments to open. It's also a large download!


Returning to the topic of this thread, I found that If I had several hours of Video material in "Windows Media Player Library" it had a very bad effect when I tried to run TRS2004.If I clicked to "Remove From WMP Library but not my computer" TRS2004 ran freely again.It seems that the videos compete with Trainz for RAM.

Thanks for pointing me in thr right direction, I am downloadig SP1 appropriate for my version of TRS from the Just Trains website. I have the full installation instructions to hand so hopefully all will go well

Thanks, Andrew