Help Finding an Indentical-Looking Track

Check out SAM Track for the first one.

The second looks similar to an older TRS2004/2006 era US Track. VMD track might be it, but it may no longer be available.

The second one could be one of the JR NS tracks. I just realized that the first one looks a bit like the RBMN track.
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The second one could be one of the JR NS tracks.

I thought so initially... but this one looks a bit closer:

US OldDark


US Mainline


These are the 2 meter versions There are 4 meter versions as well and I think all come from the DLS.
Okay, here we go Again

This time it's this track. However, I'm looking for a track that's similar to those made by Jointed Rail, where you can raise the track up above the ground to represent the ballast sloping towards the ground. I know that TUME's track is similar, but, like I just said, I'd like to find one that's more like JR's track.

Link to picture:,+NC+28779/@35.3845257,-83.2923356,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOh0E92sFkvS1DcsN3QPkaQ!2e0!!7i3328!8i1664!4m5!3m4!1s0x88593ffc91620839:0xcb3c67c532afb4ea!8m2!3d35.3692665!4d-83.2523705
This time it's this track. However, I'm looking for a track that's similar to those made by Jointed Rail, where you can raise the track up above the ground to represent the ballast sloping towards the ground. I know that TUME's track is similar, but, like I just said, I'd like to find one that's more like JR's track.

Link to picture:!8m2!3d35.3692665!4d-83.2523705

You can modify any track to do this, more or less.

Try these values, which are located in the Track-container in the config.txt

adjust-height-to-ground-threshold "-0.01"
adjust-height-to-ground-offset "0"
adjust-height-to-ground-offset -0.2

I used these with great success.

The default values are this here:

adjust-height-to-ground-threshold "-3.402823466e+38"
adjust-height-to-ground-offset "0"
adjust-cross-section-to-ground "1"

Others I have seen:

mesh-length 4
adjust-height-to-ground-threshold -3.402823466e+38
adjust-height-to-ground-offset 0.2