Two male black Kats (brothers) that were rescues from the pound, named "Thing1" & "Thing2" (as they tear up the house like in "Cat In The Hat". The one cat is small and petite, and the other eats all the time and weighs over 15 lbs.
A female Pomeranian that also was a rescue running loose down the street. She likes the male cat, in a very special way, (if you know what I mean) :hehe: Sometimes she gets all 4 feet off the ground in the rendezvous ! We have to get it on YouTube: "Female dog loves male cat". It is so wrong, on so many levels: cross gender, cross species, love... and the Male cat seems to like it though, and keeps coming back for more shenanagans with the female Pomeranian
A Chihuahua that also was recused from a college girl, that nonchalantly bought a 6 week old puppy from an Iowa puppy mill, and later found out that it was too much trouble to walk the dog in the rain, sleet, and snow ... so she kept it in a closet behind bi-fold vented doors, where he turned a perfectly good white rug into yellow and brown colors
Had a mongrel dog named: "Puppy" (a very original name) that was found as an unwanted puppy, in a box, in a half frozen, muddy, snowy playground, who was a "Counter Cruiser": Swiped 4 pizzas off of a 4 foot tall bar, and 6 raw steaks off the kitchen counter, always raiding the trash can, opened a tin of cookies chewing it open from the bottom ripping the tin can apart, ate a 24" long Pound Cake, and chocolates, and almost died of pancreatitis ... lived to be 14.
Had a 20 y/o RR track/alley/factory cat named "Scratchy Cat" that did not like to be picked up at all ... and I have the scars to prove it.
A scrawny black cat named "Kitty" (also a very original name) that lost allot of fur in it's later years, and we re-named him "Mangey Kat", as when he walked across the floor his paws joints creaked: wrah wrah wrah wrah wrah ... etc ... He peed up every rug in the house, a thousand times over in 20 years.
Knew a girl that had a long hair Persian, that would pee on her bed ... all ... the ... time ... Bad Kitty !
We are down to 2 dogs and 2 cats right now ...